Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

It was literally preach who said it.

And he’s also said dozens of times not to focus on actual numbers in alpha because they’re nowhere near done yet.


I like this idea, but people would complain about having to do the questlines on alts, unfortunately.

I believe this because people are complaining about the cloak questlines on alts nowadays. Many argue that 2 hours to get the cloak + 5 hours to level it to 15 is too much, and so I don’t know how people would feel about this, especially since all four of the new questlines take quite a bit of time to complete.

I absolutely love your idea of making the covenant abilities a new talent row. That way, nobody would feel left out and people could choose whatever covenant/spell they’d like!

I stopped playing BfA after they removed the ability of my alts without the cloak to earn echoes, realizing that even if I did get them the cloak they would be spending all their echoes for most of the rest of the expansion buying essences.

Shadowlands is going to be 8.3 on steroids. Less casual content, more on-rails questing. Fewer options overall. And my class will be trash, so I’m taking a pass.

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So… Going to start playing this RPG game as RPG? Haha.



This is the same person btw.

The return of real RPG elements is a great direction for which our Blizzard overlords should be praised. I can’t wait for decisions to be impactful again.

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Dang right! :beers: Transmogs and collections, the only real endgame.

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Except it’s not.

Same, the hype is real.

Here in a moment we are all since we will be faced with critical and game-changing decisions. Character progression is finally making the comeback that most of us have been waiting for.

Maybe we will get more info during the livestream Wednesday, but I don’t see them easing restrictions on the covenants. I guess it’s good that Venthyr is my favorite aesthetic and I was going to pick them anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

Every single raider or m+ player will pick ventyr for cheatdeath and blink to skip mobs/avoid mechanics.

Its a no brainer pick here.

It’s funny how many different people keep saying “everyone is going to choose X!” and every time I see this comment it’s a different covenant mentioned lol.

I didn’t think the sky would fall this early. We’re a ahead of schedule this time!

The same people that want shadowlands to have covenant restrictions are the same people that gave BFA five stars


Go casual.

well i got a few max level druids. guess i could pick all of them based on corruptions but…

covenants. doesn’t matter which is more “viable” Night Fae have Fox form ability. easiest choice in the game.

Happens every single expansion. In Cata it was destruction of old zones, in MoP it was pandas, in WoD it was Garrisons, in Legion it was DHs/Titanforging, and in BFA it was azertie gear and barebones classes. SL will be Covenants. This is all par for the course.

Ok I am going to give you some examples … Lets say we had this covenants right now and you are fighting mythic Nzoth. The blink spell let you blink beams or paranoia. Which covenant gives you same spell ?? Right none and this alone will remove easy 200+ pulls from this boss.

Now add cheat death to it. Why would I pick necrolords over this ? This soulbinds will change how many pulls you have to do to kill this boss and it will be easy 30-to 50% less pulls needed to get the kill. Now tell me which guild won’t do this and simply force all their raiders to pick the specific covenant ?

And after this guilds and all their players go that covenant all lesser guilds/heroic guilds will follow them and create meta and if you want to pug your heroic or even normal the covenant which allows you to cheeze it will be the must to go or no invites, same goes for m+, if a ventyr blink lets you skip dangerous pack of mobs, m+ players will go that covenant and if you want to join them… that covenant will be a MUST have or no invite.

For once open your damn eyes and think about this.

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You’re able to switch covenants though. From what I heard if you’re not happy with the one you picked at the start you can switch it but I don’t think you can go back unless you switch again. I forgot but yeah I had to deep dive and see which is best for my classes. I chose spell over appearances but since I’m playing all covenants, I’m fine with it!

I’m not sure that’s entirely accurate.

why not take a minute and go read the abilities. for me, it’s not even the damage component… it’s the utility they offer. For M+ and arena, having and not having these abilities could easily make the difference of being viable or not.

So here are some examples…

Hunter - Resonating Arrow - Fire a resonating arrow to the target location and fill the area with echoing anima. The effect causes your attacks to ignore line of sight to enemies in the area, and you have an increased critical strike chance against them.

The ability to attack LOS. Think about that. Ignore. LOS. For hunter’s, this could be massive to not have in some situations. It would completely change how you might play a match or kill a boss.

DK - Abomination Limb - Sprout an additional limb for a limited time, dealing Shadow damage to nearby enemies. If an enemy is farther away from you, they are pulled to your location.

An additional grip. Imagine not having that in PvP.

DH - Demon Hunter - Charge to an enemy, inflicting Nature damage and rooting them. The target is marked for a period of time, increasing your Fury from Demon’s Bite and Shear against them. You may reactivate The Hunt every 30 seconds to teleport behind the marked target and ignoring line of sight.

This one sounds broke. A charged and root that later lets you ‘teleport’ behind a target and… AND ignore LOS. Oh boy.

So That’s just 3 of them. There are a bunch like that. Some classes have multiple covenant abilities which are very concerning. If you don’t think it’s a big deal, that’s fine, but for a lot of us we can see the danger now.

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