Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

no where did I say it was a requirement.

anything else?

k, have a good night. I’m not going in circles like 2 children. See ya.

no worries. I love arguing with 110 forum, bottom feeding alts that don’t even play the game at a level that matters to the conversation at hand.



Got a top 1% player here aren’t you…



got a bottom 1% player here.



This is what I want to do, but then aesthetics and lore are intertwined now, too. I want to go night fae for the paladin class ability - actual, cool auras! - but the night fae covenant armor looks a bit odd to me (plate). The kyrian armor looks boss but the class ability is so lackluster to me (from an RP and gameplay perspective). I dont mind being underpowered based on a choice, but I would rather aesthetics not be tied to these.

However, I imagine there will be a .3 patch that has the covenants working together, maybe opening the mogs to be collected outside one’s chosen covenant.

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Enjoy your critical choices in SL, I know I will.

nah you won’t. because w/e you pick won’t matter anyways. :slight_smile:


I just don’t like the fact that I’m going to have 3 abilities out of reach for me to play with

Like how am i to enjoy whacky builds if I can’t use some of the abilities

The big issue is now that we have seen the soulbinds you are going to need to literally swap covenants making the signatures and abilities talent tiers won’t fix the issues anymore.

If they balanced classes based on people who didn’t know how to play them the game would die in a few months. Games have to balance around the people fully utilizing the mechanics.

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The difference in power currently in Alpha is up to 40% difference.


Do not let Yesuna’s awful takes distract you from the fact that he literally gives money to someone strongly in favor of our cause (subs to asmongold)

I love irony, Yesuna is a machine that keeps on giving solid gems like this

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In fact, wasn’t he on a podcast with Preach and Rich just today where they talked about what a stupid and trainwreck of a system the covenant/soulbind is going to be? Huh.



KEKW 10c

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You can enjoy someone’s content and disagree with them on things. Those aren’t mutually exclusive.

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Yeah i buy UFC pay per views despite hating violence.

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Some folks are really determined to let sims play the game for them.

You can be sure if scripts weren’t against ToS, I’d be required to let the computer do my DPS rotation.

Wasn’t this already the case going into BFA because they hadn’t simmed everything? And if they did sim everything don’t worry about it.

Head over the MrRobot and plug in your stuff, follow the direction the program and then go kill dragons.

Why are you so worried? If you can’t get accurate sims and want them, wait until they’re out.

But UFC is a competition. Same with boxing, wrestling, fencing, etc.

  1. Last I checked, DPS meters arent even available in alpha
  2. Even the people most concerned about covenant stuff like Preach say not to take alpha numbers as meaning anything at all, since there’s obviously gonna be nerfs and buffs
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