Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

again? you say that like wow had it before. I want wow to be what it always has been. what you want is not what wow is.

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Then take the abilities. They already said you can switch covenants. Has that been explored yet in the Alpha? They have a stream in two days right? Maybe they’ll touch more upon it.

Are people upset because they can’t have all the abilities? If you can switch covenants you can go plan out your day and swap your covenants. Blizzard said at Blizzcon you can do that.

You realize not every ability has an effect on sims, right? The utility abilities like Door of Shadows and the Venthyr Cheat Death have nothing to do with damage output.

Again, we’ve already discussed this numerous times in multiple threads.

They already said you can swap covenants. If you want a specific one for a specific activity, they said at Blizzcon you can swap them.

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Swapping back is going to be very difficult though, which they also said in the panel. Swapping to Kyrian from Venthyr is easy, but if you want to back to Venthyr you are going to have a very hard time.

I do not believe they have specified the system to swap back yet. They’re having a stream on wednesday I believe, maybe we’ll hear more about it. But there have already been several hundred+ replies about swapping covenants.

I know they don’t always listen to feedback, but they even addressed the feedback in a previous interview saying they’re scrap the whole thing if it doesn’t work and let you swap freely.

the issue is, many of these choices are only good for PvP and possibly M+, but will be a large damage loss when it comes to raid. We shouldn’t have to pick between damage or utility.

IF all of these abilities were damage, then it wouldn’t be a big loss if we went one route vs another. Maybe AOE vs Cleave vs Single target vs Burst vs Sustained. Had the abilities been focused on that, the majority of people would be less concerned with having to pick just one. Maybe you will do poorly on one fight but better on another. The way they are built now though, having and not having will be huge.

this just sounds… ridiculous to me. plan out my day? When I log on with friends, I have to pick just one content to focus on? I enjoy doing everything in this game.

It just makes no sense. Imagine only being able to swap talents or azerite pieces once a day. Oh, you want to do arena or bgs? sorry, you’re going to have wait till tomorrow.

Well not really. You’re not thinking of other variables too. Will mages/void elves pick venthyr if they already have a blink, or if you’re a void elf mage, two blinks? Why take a third blink when you can take another ability?

Will a character that already has a cheat death type option want to choose cheat death again? Again, why have two of the same abilities when you can add another ability to your menagerie?

You’re looking at this in a very narrow scope - Maybe you should open your eyes . You can figure out clever ways to use abilities if you -clutches pearls- think outside of the box.

No they do not, but they literally said at Blizzcon that switching Covenants the first time will be easy, but going back to Covenant you left will be extremely difficult.

“Changing Covenants is not difficult, but returning to a previously abandoned Covenant will be very difficult.” This was stated when they were talking about Covenants at the reveal event.

I pick fun

This is very true statement, but genuine question, what is to be said about people who do both PvP and PvE? If a Mage wants an extra blink in arena because it’s really good, that also might mean their talent choice isn’t as powerful in PvE. Should we just tell them tough luck?

“Sorry, you can’t have that ability because you want to PvP more than you PvE.”

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For some, fun = making your character perform at it’s optimum. So if 1 covenant is best for M+ and one is best for pvp then they aren’t going to be capable of having fun.

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Wait so you’re telling me different people find different things fun?!? Gasp how can that be?

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That’s how it is in Classic. They currently have more logs than retail on warcraft logs by the way.

People go raid in their PVE spec and go PVP in their pvp spec. If they don’t want to swap, they’ll go PVE in their PVP spec.

I know this isn’t Classic, but wanting all the things and taking choice out of things makes the game less of an RPG.

They said you can swap, so you have an option to swap. No one is saying you can’t swap.

So, either
A: It’s going to be some kind of retarded preventitive measure to keep players from swapping frequently, 5000g or something.
B: Making players swap is pointless because there’s no preventative measure and it’s just some arbitrary step.

Switching specs is not the same as grinding Covenants though. I play Classic, and I’ve played since BC, I understand how it works. Gear and professions have such a greater impact on performance in Classic PvP than talent points, and spec. And guess what, I can switch my gear super easily in Classic when I’m ready to do BGs instead of log in for raid.

stop this.

no, what it does it make the game less like WOW. we have never had a choice like this prior and as the game has aged, we actually had MORE options. Now it’s easier then ever to change specs and talents. In the past, you had a pay gold, go to the main city, rebind keys, etc. Now it’s a simple click of a button and you can have a new set of gear equipped and new talents for a new role in your group.

That’s what makes this game fun for many of us. I like trying new things for new trials. Maybe do a key and that talents doesn’t work out… so I change it. Maybe I try a different build. Maybe I try a different set of gear. That is what choice should be about. WoW had been about the end game content for ages. For everyone who wants to keep saying it’s not and RPG for those reasons, why are you even playing?

Seriously, I want the game we have always had. Whatever you guys want isn’t WoW was.

No matter the class you will pick it if raid lead tells you to do it or you will be benched, same goes for m+ LFM +23 Shrine, must be venthyr for skips.

Also if you want to talk about void elves … your port has travel time, blink has 1 sec cast time, less with haste. And if some classes have cheatdeath talents, they can pick other talent

Because so many of us are doing +23s…

You need to stop making so many assumptions about covenants and an expansion that’s not even released yet (There are still so many variables). For all you know void elves racial could be changing in shadowlands. You don’t know.

I’m going to pick with whats works best with my playstyle and if some uppity d-bag in a mythic guild or a m+23 group doesn’t like that, they can go suck an egg mcmuffin.

Unless they want to start paying for my sub, then we can talk.

For mythic guilds, yes. But for heroic guilds if a RL says that then I wouldn’t want to be in that guild.