Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

anyone else dreaming of waking up on July 8th, opening up the stream, Ion says right away “Covenants will be swappable at no cost and no time constraints”



eeh sure, that would clear up this conversation ez. But how does that make any sense in game? Are you a double, triple, quadruple agent?

A thousand times this. We’re here for such a short time, let’s not stress about the little things.


You learn each ability while leveling up. Simply keep them?


Imagine having access to four new abilities on every class. It might be the best expansion of all time if that happened.

You have gained the favor of [covenant] and they have blessed you with their power.

4 Zones = 4 skills. YES PLEASE!!!

Greedy damn goblin…

I mean think about it, Monks learn a brew recipe for their necrolord spell while leveling in maldraxxus. Do they just randomly forget the recipe after switching zones 2 hours later?

When I learn a new cooking recipe, I don’t forget about it a few hours later…

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Expect your not actually picking a covenant in the first hours of SLs…

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You still learn the spells while leveling.

haha the brew recipe is odd, but I thought the whole point of the abilities were the result of the soulbinding to the covenant. They give you the extra power like Sylvanas did with Jailor :O.

Off topic: did you ever get around making your launch racial better with levitate? when I tried it would clear levitates an featherfall etc.

This is Blizzard’s new attempt to get people to delete their character, start a new one and pay to boost it up.

And yet, you still haven’t actually picked a covenant.

… so? You learn the spell while in the zone, and suddenly forget it after, that doesn’t make sense, does it?

That borrowed power will only last till next expac.

Transmog and mounts last till they turn the servers off.


People pick classes and races in the first hour of playing the game, that may end up being sub-optimal by the time they reach end-game stuff… Why is this suddenly such a OMG WTF HUGE DEAL when it comes to covenants?


It is called and “introduction” to the system, we don’t learn these abilities. They are powers lent to us by the Covenants while we work on their behalf.

Because Classes are a core part of this game’s genre. It’s what defines the game and it is how you interact with it.

Covenants? They’re a hill Blizzard built for themselves, for no reason, and are now willing to die on it. Again for no reason.


Nope; it is a terrible mistake.


I really hate when people make blanket statements that supposedly speak for the whole of this community.

mostly? by whom? the first 6 months were a nightmare for anyone that wanted to raid and didn’t get the legendary they needed. for me, I was playing a hunter and the legendary I needed accounted for 20-25% or more of my damage… one item. I didn’t get it till #7… nearly a year later. By that point it had already been nerfed. I even leveled two other hunters with the off chance I might get a better one. I didn’t. Not only did I not get the one I needed, of the first 4, 3 didn’t even give me any damage.

I should note that I was in the upper 1% of players with 5 legendaries at one point. I spent so much time getting those damn things and I still didn’t what I needed. It was so incredibly frustrating to know I couldn’t compete with my peers and was completely left behind. People told me not to complain because I was ‘lucky’ to have 5… despite the massive amount of effort I put into getting those 5.

The first raid… was fully cleared in 18 hours or launch, on mythic mind you… That left a massive content gap for a lot of serious players. To that, your artifact weapon forced players down specific paths that were only good for one type of content… just like we are seeing with convenants.

Legion ended on a great note. Why? We had choice. We had options. We weren’t spending hours and days farming for dumb legendaries. The last raid was easily the best for th at reason alone.

I don’t want a repeat of that experience. I don’t want to go half way through the expansion before they open covenants up as they should. This whole covenant garbage is ruining what looked to be a good expansion.


You’re missing the point. It’s a video game, have fun. How many expansions do you have to min/max before you realize being good at this game doesn’t mean diddly to anyone in the real world?

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