Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

We don’t, it’s datamined and filled with placeholders. Not playable in the alpha build currently.


Everything that was “potentially” a legendary power, a soulbind trait, or a covenant spell, ended up being it.

Placeholders are what they are at worst. It literally gives you an indicator of what they will provide.

But I guess you will say I’m wrong for now because it fits your narrative.

Enjoy being corrected in 3 days, when the stream shows the system as a whole.


pretty much. the whole min/max argument is so weak. the friend who got me started in wow was super into theorycrafting… and was a clicker. he loved talking gear, stats, rotation, etc… he was above average for sure, but what made the game fun was just figuring out what was the best and trying new things.

That has been the CORNERSTONE of my enjoyment in this game. this ridiculous idea that players only want to min/max is because of damage ignores so much. Yes, I like doing good damage, but I also like trying new builds for different content. I have different builds for arena, raids, M+, world pvp, and questing. different gear sets. different talents. that’s the fun in this game.


Which is why not making covenant abilities a new talent row is so boggling, It’s a free goal.

Why would Blizzard make it such a hassle for us to try out new things?


Can we just talk about some people are so hard defending this idea, when it’s a hill that Blizzard built for… literally no reason. This type of decision has never existed in this game, beyond picking your class.

It should remain so.


seriously have no idea, but if it actually goes to live, there will be some serious backlash. i have loved this game for a very long time and these last 2 expansions have just started to take their toll. I don’t want gating and I do want choice. for every step forward we make we keep having to take one back.

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Looking forward to the people who never played BC to weigh in on Aldor/Scryer.

Bring it on.

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I don’t feel I have a narrative. My narrative isn’t just to appose you and Timbaslice. I’ve tried to use as much common sense as I can, Timbaslice is the perfect example of how “mobility” does not make or break an entire raid. It is far more important to the raid to have varied abilities, thus why so many dk’s shaman, Paladins are in raids at all. Do you remember when Preach was interviewing a develeper on stream? He was asking How are they going to have Torghast be without some kind of timer. The developer replied saying something like “oh I guess we might have to…” and bam next build they put timers in Torghast. Nearly everyone including Preach were upset that they were put in. But it was his idea FFS.

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It definitely wasn’t. Everyone and their mother knows that Torghast should not have timers. Plain obvious.

Moving back to the actual topic now…


The irony is the people complaining about the timer in Torgast are the same ones defending Blizzard keeping covenant abilities locked because it doesn’t impact them.

You think the higher tier of players care about a timer? It’s a causal players problem, you didn’t see me in those threads defending Blizzard.


Legion was mostly accepted as a very good expansion, what did you not like about it? Was it the “borrowed power”? But in all seriousness, you can’t just keep adding stuff to your class, it becomes far over bloated, confusing. there are so many keybinds that players can use. Not to mention those people that are slightly handicapped or casual. Remember that casuals are blizzard’s biggest and consistent money makers, not the hardcores.

Unironically big true

The thing is, specifically for Covenants, there are solutions that can fix the issues for anyone that cares about their performances in several types of content WHILE not affecting anyone that doesn’t care. Amazing!

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I didn’t expect to. Because timers are not fun at all. And you’re beginning to strike me as someone that doesn’t play wow for fun. Do you have fun in Horrific visions?

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Do i have fun in optional (but not really because it’s tied to legendary cloak) that is the exactly the same every time i run it because 5 masking is a joke?

No, It’s boring, lacks challenge and is completely void of any spicing up run to run.

Best thing is having to do it on alts yahoo.

I have fun raiding, It’s why I raid lead. Does the concept of people choosing different content to have fun in scare you?

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I’m glad we can agree on something, kinda lol.

Posting in a Timbaeslice thread. :popcorn:

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Not at all, and I choose not to make hastey posts of panic over something that might scare me that isn’t in beta yet.

God i hate that guy, he’s so annoying.

Tell me about it!