Exactly. Some might call me a ‘filthy casual’ but whatever. I play what I find fun, and that means that Lunarblood here is going to be my main and she’s going Night Fae. Whaaaaat but that’s not optimal for a Death Knight some will say, and to them I say I don’t care. When it comes to Mythic dungeons if someone has an issue with me not having the Covenant ability that they think all Death Knights should have, oh well. There will be other Mythic groups or I will make my own.
And that’s fine! So how would opening the system for abilities to not be locked behind them impact your gameplay experience? If you just play for fun that is.
I like this way of thinking. Of course, I want the people who are doing the hard stuff to be happy too, but at the end of the day, it’s a game and everyone should be having fun! It’s Blizzard’s job to balance this stuff, and they could be doing much better as OP has pointed out lots of times.
Well, since you asked, I wouldn’t like it. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat why? Because having to make choices and having those choices matter is fun. By that logic, why do we have to pick talents? Why not just “open them up” to not be locked behind the talent page and just give all of us all the abilities. Why do we even have Specializations? Why not just let a Druid be a Druid and when he’s Bear form he’s a tank when he’s cat form he’s a dps when he’s Moonkin form he’s dps when he’s not and even when he is he’s healer… all abilities, at all times?
No, not a strawman at all. Your covenant is a game choice that gives you abilities. If those abilities matter more to you, then pick a covenant based on the ability you get. If however the story of the covenant matters more to you, then pick based on that. It’s the same as Specializations because if you want to be a tank, then you pick tank and get tank abilities, if you want to be a healer to you pick healer and get healer abilities, and then talents you have to pick one on each row that you like, if you like two on the same row… well, too bad.
They’ve said you can change your covenant if you wish, but on the other hand if you are seeing these abilities as the end all YOU MUST HAVE THIS ABILITY OR ELSE YOU SUCK, well then just pick the best ability and be done with it. As I will say again, it’s pretty much the same as talents. You can’t pick two talents from the same row, sorry you just can’t. If you want the Ardenweald ability, go Ardenweald. If you think that I as a Death Knight am stupid for being Ardenweald, well… don’t care.
Again, if you prefer one ability over another and that kind of thing matters to you, pick your covenant based on the ability they grant.
But another person of the same class can, and given how impactful some of those covenant abilities and soulbinds will be, they will pass you up in certain content in favour of somebody else.
All this will do is force people to have multiples of the same class so they can effectively do content.
Which when you think about it absolutely disgusting that for someone to play the full kit of their class they are forced to keep multiple characters up to date. How embarrassing .
The ONLY solution, considering this sytem is ridiculously gigantic for what it should be, is making the class spells a talent row and deleting the signature spells. There is still massive potential of imbalance with soulbinds and conduits, though these are much easier to balance within a reasonable margin (0.5%) than a bunch of bullcrap thrown together that are fundamentally different.
as on off topic comment no one cares about, I’ve never felt more embarrassed while playing wow than when Magatha made fun of me during the legion shaman campaign for not even being able to make a portal
buahaha, you mean like you trying to tell developers and this forum how to make and play this game? the top 1-2% “cutting edge” are a minority of the player base. All this based on tuning and abilities that you do not know. There is absolutely no entire raid that will make 100% use of the venthyr teleport, or any other covenant ability. there will be positionary fights, there will be soak fights, patchwerk fights etc. You don’t know. You’re just being toxic and bullying others to do what you want based on the preaching of 1 youtuber. again, you are a dwarf shaman, no teleport racial or class ability and yet you still remain unbenched.
Shadowlands: Systems on top of systems on top of system.
Shadowlands is going to be the most anti-alt expansion and will beat out BFA. Why? All these systems will be at launch and not spread out like in legion or BFA. Netherlight crucible wasn’t ready to go for legion launch and essences were not available for the BFA launch.