Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Come over here then ecks dee

Yeah look guilds are always the best solution for almost everything with this issue

All these problems vanish

I’m also a pug lord and I’m also one of these “off meta champions” that Ralph keeps talking about being better than “elitist FOTM scum”

The fact is a lot of people just suck at the game and a lot of people are good enough at the game to get away with doing what ever they want

“And I will keep denigrating a valid playstyle that Blizzard has designed content around since Vanilla”

Some irony

At this point I’m doing a public service.
And that is just for this thread.


Thank you for your service

So let me make this simpler for you.

You will invite someone because they have high ilvl and Aotc.

I instead will make a far more thorough check of their raider io page as well as logs completely ignoring achievements, ilvl, io score or class, and thanks to that I have easily timed m+ pugs, one shotted heroic nzoth twice as a pug which I made.

And suddenly when I join some pugs because some guildie invited me, they are a disaster

So yeah, I focus on actual skills and abilities rather than meaningless documents because I am looking for competent people, and a piece of paper does not make you competent : )

I got a certificate of competency as 2nd mate on maritime vessels, that paper isnt what makes me competent, neither is my academy’s trash training, and I ve seen many incompetent CoC holders.
But hey, if you want to worship papers, feel free, I ll look at actual signs of competence.

Things that will never happen for $100 Bob.

Says Captain Greenparse.

Like I’m not crazy but isn’t pulling up logs way more elitist than like just inviting because of AOTC

I’d also consider it a carry

And like I wonder how many of those people were using the meta spec

Tbh idk if i talked about me being civil but its something I try to do and am sorry I have failed to do that.

Hold on, you make a thorough check of their raider io page, but you ignore ilvl, ioscore, and class?

What else is on an io page that isn’t that?!

You make sure the logs are good?! But for logs to be good, people have to follow the best builds! Are these people incompetent then if they follow what’s best?

The stupidity of thinking anything that is best is completely dissociated from skill is near limitless with you.

Honestly I’ve been picking exclusivly for Transmog.

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Jesus, now I remember why I have him on mute.


I actually did lol.

I agree, good idea to have Ràlph on mute!

There are some people here who are just generally unpleasant and will go round and round for hours. Muting them makes the forums experience much more enjoyable.

I think that’s a bad idea. I don’t want a forum to be an echo-chamber. I understand that people will have different opinions and I accept that. Wanting to silence people over having differing views is 100% counter-productive to what a forum is supposed to be. We might as well go to twitter if we want an echo-chamber. I think muting people and ignoring people over opinions is pretty childish but to each their own.

I think they should just randomly assign each character to a covenant, and lock us forever into it. This way we can experience the critical decision that is playing an expansion with such an awful system.

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Theres a difference between silencing someone with a different viewpoint and personally not wanting to see a belligerent person’s yammering.


As a competitve PvP player I have fun knowing my best covenant and being able to Swap them accordingly to the Situation.

Back here again to let yall know if the Covenants release like this they will be a balancing nightmare and risk certain playstyles.

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