Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

You do realize WoW has a very loud group of wannabe elite that obsess over min maxing to the point of discriminating against non fotmers because community has deemed X class bad, like warlocks at the start of BfA.

Warlocks could do anykind of problem if they were good, yet community perception lead to a lot of discrimination that shouldnt be happening but it did.

And that is a serious community issue that needs to be fixed, you dont fix it by pandering to the wannabe elitists, you make them realize the game doesnt revolve around them, and you also need more poeople to push towards a less toxic community

Keep using buzzwords expecting to look cool

talking about buzzwords, when throwing around 20 of them per posts

weirdchamp bro


it’s not a buzzword here. that’s what this boils down to. choice. you want to deny players choice. you are literally the most toxic person in this thread. you are a disgusting troll and how you havent been banned is beyond me.


It has a much larger, and much louder casual playerbase too, infact I main arguably one of the most known specs for being historically terrible for raids and yet here I am able to do the same content as any of the people complaining it’s impossible to get into groups.

Warlocks have always been a highly desired class, it’s just that mythic plus doesn’t give much room for variety in higher keys, which trickles down to everyone underneath where it matters, which most of the discrimination comes from (not from the high key runners, because aslong as you’re really good you’ll be in dungeons)

This change improves the lives of casuals more than mythic raiders/high key runners because we’re still going to do what it takes, while the casuals won’t, then will undoubtedly have to join the rest in using the best class because the majority looks up to the minority, and then the casuals will be the ones kicked from groups, not us

The proof is in the pudding as they say.
BFA still after nearly 2 years has Azerite traits that are completely useless, talents that are unused across most classes including a talent that is a DPS loss over not picking any talent for Outlaw Rogue, and of course Corruptions which are so poorly balanced it’s basically a meme at this point.
If that’s what the pudding is going to look like in SL, I’ll skip dessert.


Another big brain individual. They keep coming. It’s awesome.

God I hope the stream has good news for the whole playerbase. We really need some!


What do you define as high keys? cuz all specs and classes can do a 15, or a 10 back then.
Blizzard has balanced specs to a satisfactory degree to be able to do that content, the community on the other hand would refuse to invite a lock at a +3 for example so the community is the problem.

Aka all the wannabe elitists who are crying about this change but wont level 4 of each class and will come to the forums crying that their meta covenant got nerf, prepared a thread for them

Again the problem is the community, you do not pander to wannabe elitists because it will make the community problem even worse, you fight wannabe elitists directly.

Wow is made for everyone as long as they respect the rules within the ToS.
You are not the judge of who plays wow, if you want a niche game play a niche game.

What is funny too is you’re the elitist here on the forums because you’re the only trying to tell people that you’re better than them by denigrating, snobing them for liking to play the game differently.


I thought plenty of people in here who don’t consider them elitists or even raid mythic have explained this to you that they also want to free open the system because they see how punishing it will be to the others.


20s+, which again trickles down to other players, and lower content until it eventually affects everyone, and with the mdi existing it’s only sped up that issue the same way mythic raids did, everyone wants to copy what the best strat is.

I distinctly said we’d be the ones that would do the grind, we just don’t want to discourage even more of the playerbase from participating in our content, because that way we could have more people enjoy the content too, and increase the player pool, but I digress, you’d find covenant’s problems affecting 10-15 keys much, much more than it would 20 key runners

disgusting. quit blaming the community for how the game is designed. do you seriously think something is unique about wow and the players it attracts? the majority of the people playing still have been playing for years.

if you have a problem with the community, why do you even play?

man you are straight up disgusting.


Take a look at BFA

How awful would the expansion currently be without account wide essences, a passable azerite system and the corruption vendor?

There would be genuinely no one left to play.

We got these things all thanks to the people you say are ruining the game.


You do realize what you just implied right?

You implied that you will spend the effort to level 4 of each class unlike casuals.
Then you implied that you want more players to participate in what you do
And to be able to participate they need to level 4 of each class.

Which in a sense implies that if you do any sort of mythic raids or casual m+ for gear you need to best covenant else you cant do it.

Which I assume you know is false. I am not sure if i got something wrong but that is the implication I read.

We are seeing class discrimination still, people just inviting that noob dh that got carried by the guild simply because they are a DH and have average IO without caring about more details which is why I no longer bother joining pugs since their standards are terrible while when I make a pug suddenly we time dungeons or one shot heroic nzoth for cloak upgrade.

I’d still be playing /shrug

Yeah, unfortunately I pug everything so…

Either pick meta or see that decline button about a thousand times more a night.


Why would you want to toast toast by boiling them instead of using a toaster?
Blaming people for this is denying the reality that people with better tools have a better chance to be successful at content.

And some people just want to have fun, be sucessful and not waste their time, in this case by either having to level 4 of the same classes because of arbitrary locks for a very very small rp reason.


Sounds like you’re skill checking people before you do content

Isn’t that like sort of elitist?


And your solution instead of fighting that toxic culture that shouldnt exist is to have blizzard pander to that toxic culture as they are the ones demanding it, genius xD

How do you propose we curb this behaviour then?

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Basicly his strategy is to be as much toxic to them as possible to them. Which he has shown and said on the forum, and sadly hasn’t got moderated for it yet.