Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Legendaries no longer being obtainable after your first 2 or 3, despite what was advertised. Your character being utterly screwed if you landed on the wrong ones.
Farming AP for every spec, literally 3 times as much as BfA required.

That’s not bad? Really?

Legion is overrated. MoP and Wotlk were the real mvps.

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Forums, youtube, review sites, in game, most of what was going on was postive.

Big true

MoP, the real golden age of WoW.

Back when classes designs were good and weren’t pruned on purpose to make place for borrowed powers crap.

Good time.


The legendary cap thing was the only bad part, and it was remedied before most people even it 4 (it was soft capped at 4).

And god forbid you have to put some work in to do things.

Mop did have the best class design and some really good raids.

Putting some work to progress your character is completely fine.

Artifact power is just a massively bad way to do it.

At least Shadowlands massively improves in that regard. One 10 min run in Torghast, and your Legendary progress is done for the week. Awesome.

Still miss reforging.

Sounds boring as that’s the only reward out of there.

It isn’t. The infinite mode will have the real cool rewards. Aka sick transmogs and other collectibles.

man, not being rude, but I can do the same. this is really a weak example. for positive review I can easily find a negative one.

Most reviews were positive, it was a highly rated launch

Same. Miss the extra stats and then reforging gear to at least pad the gear if it isn’t ideal statwise.

man, I didn’t see any of that. the first raid was a disaster and there was a huge content gap because of it. i really don’t see how you can say that about launch. leveling was so broken. we actually got weaker as we got gear. people even had macros to unequip their weapons before they pulled just to get a mobs health lower.

it was so broken. saying it was highly rated ignores so much.

My guild had a lot of fun /shrug, and the reviews were mostly positive.

Did some people have issues? Sure, but that was not everyones experience.

How ? Neither of my two guilds will require a certain covenant to be able to raid , we will still clear our normal and heroic raids and still do our keys . As will the vast majority of guilds who do this content. It may take us a bit longer but who cares , it doesnt matter one little bit if we are the first or the 10000th guild to clear the content

When did you suddenly switch the argument from “only the top 1% [or world firsters] will be affected by this” to "everybody who isn’t willing to play exactly like I claim to play is an “fotm only” player?

What makes you think you have any “skill” when you’ve gone out of your way to avoid properly equipping your characters? Who are you to claim with absolutely zero evidence that everyone who is opposed to these restrictions is an FOTM’er?

My spec is going to be complete trash in shadowlands. I suppose if I decided to reroll that would make me one of those people you hate so much, ie the majority of players in this game, hardly any of whom play like you do. Why should anyone play a spec that feels bad to play because it’s broken to make you control freaks and hyper-purists feel warm and fuzzy inside?

I am sick of hearing that . WE DIDNT , we were producing bigger numbers , that not getting weaker , what we were fighting was getting stronger as well , why should we be teh only ones to grow , why not our enemies as well.

Best way to illustrate this is with a rare in Drust that didnt level scale , it was always 120 . Took me 30 minutes to solo it on my hunter when he was 112 , 15 minutes at 116 and a couple of minutes as a fresh 120

I mean a lot had fun, including myself. That doesn’t detract from the issues of grinding AP for Big Power Boosts (or needing it for Concordance later), Legiondaries being so imbalanced to where some were actually useless before they were buffed later, and the first tier being really undertuned for the High end of raiding.

I would say Legion is very Mixed, in terms of what people liked and didn’t, with the start being 60/40 in terms of Like to Dislike, and getting better towards ABT. Is it a good Expac? Yes, but to say not everyone dealt with the problems is a false. There was a lot of players who were frustrated with being fundamentally weaker (you can find dozens of threads on Reddit and in the WoW forums complaining about this) just cause they could not play as much as the hard core WF level players.

The issue was way more complex than you are making it out to be.

A typical player turns 120 in 250-265 ilvl gear. That is somewhat undergeared even for level 19 content. However, on turning 120 in that crappy gear, you are at the weakest you will ever be.