Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

The reviews were far from mixed though.

Legion was garbage before ToS. And it’s still my 2nd favorite expansion.

Psh, NH was the best raid in the expansion

I’m more about red mist being nerfed to like 20 RP no matter how many it hits.

Yesuna is either the most brainwashed white knight that ever was, or is a troll. This monk was trying to threaten me with a forum ban in another thread. Like she has that kind of authority. Just don’t feed the troll.


You missing a huge part of the equation. Yes its the 1% of the playerbase that worries about Covenants right now because they’re experienced enough with the game to see the problems with it ahead of the time.

Then you have the 80% of the playerbase who will enforce whatever the 1% of the playerbase deemed as meta while clearing a 12 key or killing 3/12 in Mythic Nya’lotha despite the fact its entirely unnecessary at that level because that’s what sheeple do, copy without understanding.

Then you have the last 19% who do pet battles or whatever and are pretty much unaffected by anything Blizzard does anyway.

You forgot about the % of raiders in guilds that don’t give a crap and still get CE.

The good ol’ unicorn guilds. They exist i agree, but they’re statistical anomalies.

yea, i like they ignore the posts they don’t have an adequate response for.


Considering that’s how I’ve done it since vanilla, I don’t think they’re that big of an anomaly. Beating up naxx with boomkins since 2006 lol

I’m currently watching all craft on YouTube and they start talking about it an hour in. It’s even worse than I thought. Each additional system layered on top just makes it worse. “if I was to take a snap shot of shadow lands right now it looks like its going to be the biggest train wreck ever”

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See here’s where we’re at. I actually agree with Ralph on this one and I usually don’t. There are 2 sides and both sides view the other as toxic. Sorry, honestly, I can’t play with you guys. We’ve essentially polarized on 2 fundamental different approaches and there’s no way to reconcile them. And the game WILL have to come down on one side or the other and we both can’t have it.

You and the OP are ‘the other side’ on this. He’s such a miserable guy that he’s both been necroing a 1k post topic and bumping it but wasn’t content so he had to create this entirely different threat to bang more pots and pans and scream some more about a fundamental design issue that ISN’T a flaw. It’s a shade of red, it isn’t a number that’s objectively off when it comes to covenants.

I don’t agree with him or you. I don’t want your style in this game. To me you’re toxic. There’s no reconciling that especially when the TC keeps screaming into the void about a topic that Blizzard has put their foot down on.

You know the worst part? If they do change, the side who views it my way will not play this game anymore so Blizzard is damned if they do and damned if they don’t. They HAVE to pick a side. And I’ve played enough RPGs going all the way back to Dragon Warrior in 1989 to know they’ve picked the right side without homogenizing it into a sludge.

I mean bottom line that’s it. Scream all you want.

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Blizzard puts their foot down on a lot of things in bfa. Unfortunately it tends to also be into their own mouth and they end up back tracking.


Love your posts Wild! :boom: :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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I went back and forth with Zoumz, a 12/12m raider, who is a prominent in his opposition to the current status of how things are.

And I understand his point of view. Went back and forth with him through a multitude of threads months ago and adapted my own point of view.

Before I was of the opinion that there should be no changing because this was supposed to be a hard MMORPG choice. But as I went back and forth with Zoumz, I changed my own opinion because of his examples he provided. Him being a mythic raider who dabbles with +15 keys and does PVP too. He does every single activity.

So he explained to me that he didn’t want to be handicap in those activites for simply making a choice. And that’s fair. Yes it would feel bad.

So I agreed with him that swapping should be something you can do and reasonably done. Which I understand.

However what I don’t want is swapping to be akin to switching a talent from option 1 to option 2. The covenant system laid out to us as of now is a major expansion feature with tons of lore behind it. I know some folks don’t like lore, but it would feel odd to swap so easily.

Pretend you are LeBron James. Because in Shadowlands to the covenents we are Lebron. We’re a maw-walker who everyone wants.

So yes… it’d make sense for us to swap them. Everyone wants us! But would it not feel odd for us to go to the Kyrian and then after we do our raid, go back to the Venthyr for PVP?

They said the system was like the war-campaign right? Four war-campaigns worth of quests and unlocks.

I really wish they would allow you to pick one. Progress to like 50%. Then if you wanted you can pick another one. You start at 0% obviously, and then lets say you progress to 25%, but you want to go back to your first choice. You still keep the 50% but you have to do a series of quests to “prove” yourself since you left.

It could even be something quick like a dungeon run. Maybe they need some item in some dungeon. And it takes like 20 minutes. Then you’re all good and you can progress from where you were.

Ultimately I hope they find a way to keep the epicness of the system but allow people the option to pick and choice what they want.

As someone who mostly focuses on collecting these days, I still think Covenants are going to be a hot mess unless they are fairly easy to swap between.
Like no more difficult than turning Warmode On/Off.

The first few months of SL is going to be wild as they buff and nerf or possibly outright remove covenant powers that are breaking the game.
Unless they course correct in Beta and make them easily swapped.

Make us pick one for cosmetics, but have the powers completely separate.

Not really looking forward to the inevitable sweeping changes post launch.
Please don’t make me wait a year+ for the launch features to be “fixed” again.

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If it because that trivial, what is the point of even having them? Just give everyone access to everything at that point. Make the PC part of every covenant.

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You think that’s bad. Shadow Priests are straight up screwed. None of their covenant abilities actually do much of anything for them. A single ability on Kyrians is the most useful, and its actually badly made for the spec itself.

this doesn’t even make sense. what style are you even referring to? the ONLY thing I have asked for is choice. do you not want choice? instead you want a system introduced to the game we have never had and you want to act like i’m the toxic one here? Not the guy calling anyone that disagree with him an toxic elitist?

People are trying to have civil arguments and instead are getting trolled by alts and players who don’t even do the content they want to discuss. How is that not trolling? These players are some of the most hateful, selfish people I have met. They only care about themselves and refuse to have any meaningful discussion.

The covenant system isn’t something relative to abilities. what’s going to happen when the covenant you pick gets nerfed? do you know how many legendary items got nerfed in the first year of legion? tons. some were nerfed so bad they became useless. What happens then? How many times did azerite traits get nerfed? how many times did corruptions get nerfed?

do you seriously think that won’t happen?

I don’t want choice taken away. Choice and freedom to play the game how we want has been one of the constant quality of life improvements we have had in wow since vanilla. the game has constantly been making it easier to play how you want. Then we got BFA… and more gating. I don’t want MORE gating in the game. And that is exactly what this is. Gating and killing choice.

Please spare me. Been playing rpg’s since FF1. The few times I have come across agency never made the game more enjoyable.


Honestly, I think it would be good if they simply untie the class spells from picking a covenant, potentially even delete the signature spells completely (or rework them so they all provide the same thing, in slightly different ways) and go from there.

Soulbinds balance would still be an issue, but it’s a much smaller mountain to cross for blizzard at that point. Conduits could also become covenant-agnostic (since they mentioned having conduits specific to covenants) to help lessen the burden there.

Doing that would essentially kill the need to swap in the first place. People can stay locked in and experience the consequences of their pick through the game’s quests and story.