Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Imagine actually bragging about this like its a good thing LOL.

It doesn’t need to be said because i bring it up in every thread, I’ve been playing this since Vanilla. I’ve played through every iteration of the game.

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It was a good thing, it was an RPG at that point. You could switch but you actually had to think about doing it

I’m all for allowing switching, but there should be a cost involved of some sort.

Like if we are allowed to switch covenants you should have to travel to the one you are switching to.

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It was dumb, and once again - Punished people who played multiple specs because reasons.

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I built a house with awful foundations, and it’s ready to collapse at any strong winds that will hit it. I don’t want to fix it because I think it’s pretty.

This is Blizzard building Covenants.

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yea, it compounded to a point and capped. we don’t have that now.

most players are fine with there being a cost. the cost is way to high as is.

They should have capped it at like 1k, that’s pocket change. I don’t agree with it being able to go up til the millions if you keep doing it.

These guys have created a game that has dominated this genre for the last 16 years. Throughout those 16 years players have made comments almost identical to your comment but, oddly enough, this game is still the powerhouse mmorpg that millions of us still enjoy. It’s wild to think that so many players think they have the authority to run the developers down on a constant basis because they think they somehow know how to do it better when they don’t have squat for experience in this field.

The developers do what they feel is the best decision for the overall game, not for the players at the bottom of the spectrum nor for the players at the top of the spectrum, but for the game overall.

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You’re looking too far into what I’ve said.

It’s just gonna be a repeat of Legion and Bfa’s failed borrowed power systems. Nothing more to it really.

Legion’s didn’t fail, was it a bit messy? Yes. But overall Legion was extremely well received, even at the start of the expansion.

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Where were you at the start of Legion? Under a rock?

It was by far the biggest mess we’ve ever seen.

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It’s going to be 1-2% per choice, so probably about more dps over another player 50% after you get fulled optimized.

this really wasn’t the case. the legendary system was terrible for the majority. emerald dream was a failure and cleared 18 hours after launch. the systems layered on systems were seriously confusing for new and returning players… and even veteran players. level scaling was 100% broken… to the point that unequipping gear made killing mobs easier. mobs became HARDER to kill as you leveled…

I really don’t know what you mean. the start of legion was terrible. legion improved drastically over its life. it ended on a good note because they finally allowed players to buy what they needed… like the corruptions we have now.

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Enjoying the game, Legion is my second or third favorite expansion.

I loved the legendary system 100% of the way through. Seeing that orange pop up was a rush, not having it in BfA was the worst.

that’s fine. many did. most did not. there were massive posts on the forums about it for months. the first half of legion was terrible for a huge chunk of players. people leveling multiple toons just to have another chance at a first legendary. it was terrible. it took me 7 times to get the one I needed.

Going to need a citation on that, because the forums do not have a majority of anything.

Good for you!

Just don’t pretend the start of the expansion was not a disaster, thanks!

It wasn’t, I barely saw anyone complain outside of people like Exorsus.

Meh I don’t mind it. There’s already a tonne of important choices made before actually doing any serious content. I mean the first thing you do in WoW is pick a class. I doubt the covenant thing is going to be anywhere near the same level of performance difference as say, someone picking a windwalker over someone picking a fire mage. Just make a choice and stick with it, whatever comes.

going to need citation on that.