Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

The question is why?

The game has been at its best when there was the least amount of power-impacting decisions required in any other expansion (wotlk), and it has been on a steady decline now that we are repeatedly faced with this borrowed power bullcrap.

Why would the same crap suddenly work a third time in a row now?

This is actually a buzz that only appeared after Ion’s interview when he said these cursed words, “meaningful choice”. Weirdly enough, this concept was almost non-existent in wow discussions before he did. Sure wonder why eh?

told ya, that’s their actual argument. can’t make this garbage up.

We did it for most of this games life. It makes ZERO sense RPG wise that your gear switches from int to agi.

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When i change specs (for free wow) my essences, talents change.

Why doesn’t the garbage rental system do it?

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Changing specs shouldn’t be free either.

You’re a bit late to beat this drum. Don’t really hear many people lamenting over the loss either.

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I hope they do add covenant switching, but it costs 10k gold each time, that would be hilarious.

the cost was flat though. the cost now increases by 2x with every change.

and back when that was the case Wirt, every piece of gear you got was often the ‘best’ piece you could get… now you have to contend with sockets and corruptions. even with the vendor out it still takes a long time to farm that stuff or to wait for what you need.

And lets be clear here, most of us already have more gear in our bags now then we did in the past. If I spend the time to earn the azerite piece, why does it need to have an exponential cost scale when changing talents?

This is what many players don’t understand, they are looking at the past through rose colored glasses and not remembering that we use to carry two to three fulls sets of gear around. I don’t really see this as a bad thing.

Many players want the easy way, they want nothing restricted. They want to be able to log on and jump right into what ever content it is they want to do then log off. They aren’t interested in character progression and power progression. It seems that many of the players today don’t want an mmorpg, they want a game like Fortnite or CoD where they can jump right in, do their stuff, log out until next time.

I am very thankful that the developers do not share their vision with these players who want to change the game in such a radical way.


Much like this entire thread it wouldn’t impact me.

I’ve got a long boy and 2 million gold that I have no use for, all this would do is hurt other players for no reason.

People literally still do that, are you this tone deaf?

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Because gold sinks need to exist.

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And modern day raiding is digital DDR.

You top end folks that need to switch all the time are the ones with too much gold from carries anyway.

we really aren’t.

no we don’t. quit pulling stuff out of thin air.

that isn’t close to what we are asking for.

you like making things up I guess.

you’re the radical player who wants to change the game in a way it hasn’t been before.

is this a joke? troll harder.

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A couple pieces Azerite gear for different specs/content is not the same as carrying multiple full sets.

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Carrying tons of gear around is not an issue honestly. You’re not given one set of gear and if it’s bad for you, you’re stucked being worse than the others.

Covenants on the other hand…

But we both know they will inevitably change it for the better, when it is too late. It should be changed now before that.

Enhancement has entirely different stats as Resto.

Weapons, different mechagon ring combos and trinkets.

God heaven forbid you actually played the game.


I one point during Wrath I tanked, healed and dpsed depending on boss and did some pvp on the side.

That’s 4 sets minimum, plus you could only have 2 specs so there was a lot of respec costs in there. Plus either 1k or 10k to even get dual spec, can’t remember which.

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and you still have that now for most specs. but now, you also have a compounding cost to change your azerite traits to.

It was a compounding cost to change specs.

I agree that the azerite cost should be capped though.