Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

I couldn’t agree more. I think critical choices that affect how we play the game like this could easily become a foundation for many new things to come. I believe many players are going to be pleasantly surprised with the meaningful RPG aspects and decisions being implemented.

to what level? if you are going to make arbitrary statements, at least qualify them somehow. M+ to what level? 15? 20? 25?

that isn’t how it works. you can’t just throw a random mix of specs together and make everything work. being good is part of it.

no, but it does remove potential shortfalls. its not possible to play everything in this game. if you have some specific content you want to do and be good at it, why not remove potential road blocks early on? To that, for some specs/classes to work in SOME content, they need to be paired with other specs.

For instance, I play a disc priest as well as my resto druid. I can do well on both, but my disc needs to be paired with some specs for some dungeons to insure success. Having things like a bres or maybe an innervate or bop. On the other hand, my druid needs none of those and easily has the tools at hand to be successful. It’s not that I can’t make disc work, but its far easier to build around a resto druid then a disc priest.

In the end, that’s why some specs are ‘meta’ and preferred. They have the best tools. They have the best abilities. They are self sufficient.

It’s only about money for a few guilds. I have been in a number of mythic raiding guilds and it was strictly for the enjoyment of doing hard content… which is the case for 99% of the guilds doing mythic.

You’re right, i’m not in that race, but I enjoy being the best I can within the constraints I have. My time being the biggest one.

I like choice. I like options. The game has improved immensely as we have been able to freely chance specs and talents. Denying players that doesn’t make the game better. If a player doesn’t like the path they took, it shouldn’t be difficult to change. Punishing players who are sinking tons of the time into this game will NOT make this game better.

it’s seriously disgusting reading this.

this isn’t getting rid of toxic players. in my mind, you’re toxic. do you know how many toxic ‘casual’ players there are. do you know how many toxic players are in bgs? or doing normal dungeons? or just trolling in trade chat?

It’s like you put your blinders on and ignore the other glaring issues to focus on an issue you and you alone have championed… for who knows what reason. I have no idea why you hate players that want to be good at this game.

the issues you are talking about have been here since day 1 of molten core. don’t like getting denied invites? good thing you have free choice and can make your OWN guild and your own friends and your own groups. No one is stopping you.

You know what I did in wotlk Ralph? I made my own guild with friends because I didn’t like many of the other guilds and their politics. I made a guild I enjoyed.

You can do that. No one is stopping you.

Yes and Classic wow content could be done by chimps.

I don’t usually agree with anything you ever have to say but I surely agree with this statement in general. Not necessarily pertaining to this topic but just in general.

I just don’t understand what Blizzard thinks they gain by making it hard to switch covenants.

No one is going to resubscribe because covs are locked in, but you can bet it will lead to people quitting. No one is going to put “too easy to switch covs” as a reason they quit the game.

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The fact azerite, still, to this day at the end of the expansion has reforging costs shows how out of touch they are.

Truly baffling.

I hope the realisation you agree with Ralph weighs on you heavily.


Many of us don’t see this as a problem, maybe it’s you who is out of touch. The developers do what they feel is best for the game. You might not share that same view, that’s okay.

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Ironically by my standards Ralph is toxic and would have to go

Who is setting the standards for “toxic” people?

So far im really just concerned about the blood gate. I don’t want to be forced into that covenant for a m+ cheese. Which I will for my main.

Not concerned about alts they will be for fun

Oh yes, sorry.

Only the people who do multiple forms of content and play the game in multiple specs/roles get heavily heavily punished.

I guess it’s fine for others to get punished right? Hehe

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If they nerf them into the ground like I suspect they will, then it will be fine. However their looking like their going to be very very strong abilities and with interchangeability not being an easy thing. Concerned that min maxing will be difficult to say the least and punishing at times. Hopefully in 3 days we’ll have more answers.

Yeah look man incase you don’t know pvp has been horrible for 2 xpacs running now and pretty much every pvp player in the game has not agreed with that the devs on anything

Think I’m wrong? I’m not, the devs almost agree because they’re going back to their old far superior system and hopefully by 11.0 we will have pvp stats back for good

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No one’s being punished, stop being overdramatic. Players have had to carry multiple sets of gear for their various roles and the content they choose to play in since the beginning.


this is such a funny argument for them. you know what their response is as well? “well maybe you should farm more gear if you dont want to pay for swapping.”

these people only care about themselves. if the cost of swapping traits was nothing they wouldn’t care… you don’t see these people making posts about things not costing enough.

it’s been a problem for a lot of players. here’s a thought for you troll. just because it’s not a problem for you, doesn’t mean it can’t be a problem for other people.

I know that’s complicated to understand.

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I switch roles and specs all the time, I don’t find the cost really that prohibitive, and it drops quickly.

It does pay to have have a LITTLE pushback when adjusting things.


Why have a system that actively discourages swapping specs/roles?

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Because it’s a gold sink, and we need them. You can bypass it entirely by carrying multiple sets like we did for most of the games life.

It’s a gold sink only for the people who do multiple forms of content?

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seriously… why though? oh sorry, you wanted to raid and do M+ tonight… sorry you did that last night and now need to fork over 2,000g.

It doesn’t make the game better PREVENTING players from doing the content they want with the gear they already worked for…

Carry multiple sets, I really don’t find it that cost prohibitive though and I switch constantly.