Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

You’re in for a rude awakening if you think people are going to get invited to anything If they’ve intentionally picked a covenant that gimps their performance/output by 15-30% all for the sake of aesthetics. I love transmog and appearances as much as the next person, but this isn’t a negligible amount like it’s been in the past. You are effectively neutering your character.


Playing fotm=/=improving your skills.

Skill=personal ability
Fotm=Class with highest performance.

A skilled player can do well in any class, world first raiders who are skilled play fotm since money is involved and is an actual race.

Everyone else doesnt need fotm, they are not skilled for playing it and they can mythic raid successfully as any class or spec. Only bad players NEED fotm

there is going to be some serious backlash if this goes to live. for myself, it will likely be the end of the road. I have played this game since BC and have always enjoyed doing all the content this game has to offer. No matter what I do, I enjoy having options and trying new things. If something isn’t working, I change it. The enjoyment comes from figuring out what is wrong and improving.

Why you are taking so much sick pleasure in denying players choice so you can… what? have minimal choice? agency?


The game has NEVER had anything like this. It’s not wow. I have played single player games like that and it’s fine in that setting. Wow is about groups. Raids. Dungeons. BGs. Teams. Etc. For many of us, what we bring to a group defines HOW we play the game. If you join a guild, it’s not always about what YOU want, it’s about what the guild or group needs.

In the end, your ask is a selfish one.


I’m so sick of seeing you post. anyone who has any desire to be good at this game is just labeled by you.

Yet the best guilds with the best players stack the best specs and classes. stop talking about things you clearly know nothing about.

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When mythic raids and m+ can be completed with any spec then blizzard have done their jobs to a satisfactory degree.

That means anyone skilled enough can play any class or spec and complete the above 2, if you instead choose to REQUIRE or NEED fotm then you clearly arent a rly good player.

Desire to be good=to be skilled=improve personal ability

Copying fotm build and playing meta doesnt make you skilled.

Because money is involved and it is a RACE

you, me, and the vast vast majority of players are not in that race.

I never said mythic raiding guilds, or their members as a whole, are toxic. I said the OPs leadership and ones similar to him are.

People get benched. Can’t make it to every raid. These people have better gear than those people. Etc. There is nothing wrong with having a team that is progression raiders and a team that is the farm status / fill in team.

The problem is these “high end” elitist leaders that feel that they are so highly competitive, while still not being high enough to matter to the wow community at all, take the top 1% stats and use it as a bludgeon to beat their guilds into submission.

Frost Mages, Feral Druids and Warlocks in general are frowned upon in high tier M+ dungeons, however for the vast majority of players, they would never know the difference between a frost and fire Mages dps numbers. They would still clear the dungeons on time regardless. But because the top 1% say they are bad, everyone looks down upon them when they ask for an invite.

You are focusing on the wrong aspects of the argument.

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Not at all.

Getting rid of toxic people thanks to covenants sounds like a blessing and the goal of covenants since it seems to also be an attempt to fix the toxic tryhard community that discriminates against non fotmers which has been an observable and very serious issue in the wow community.

The game is improved if such toxic people leave.

Human decency is absolutely my element. Not sure about yours though.

We hit ce every raid (when we were playing) kept no bench (I’m not telling people they have to pay to not play) and let people play what they want.

But we don’t care about our world rank, we’re just here to have fun and slay dragons

People who join the guild are aware of the expectations set for them. It’s not a nasty surprise that comes up half way through.

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The word is wannabe elitists, they are ones obsessing over fotm and meta even though they are not skilled enough to beat anything without playing meta and arent nowhere near the world first race.

Yet they still act as if they are world first and need fotm xD

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And in that sense, I will agree with you. If you sign up to live in a suburban neighborhood that expects your yard to look a certain way, then the blame is partially on you for agreeing to it.

But that doesn’t change the fact that I believe that there shouldn’t be a requirement in the first place.

I’d be fine with that, it’s a rpg. Making important choices is an important aspect of rpgs that WoW has been in short supply of.

If the people I was playing with had a problem with my choices (thankfully they don’t), I would find a new group of people to play with.

Holy hell why are you still badgering on just go away already. This thread isn’t about the mythic raiding structure or how my guild operates.

Why are you so bent outta shape with how my guild is run? I already said there are plenty of guilds that will accept players with your mindset. I don’t have anything against those people at all.

Go make a new thread about the toxic nature of mythic guilds and m+ high key groups if you are so passionate about it.

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It’s a public forum and it was the topic at hand. I’m not a sadist. I’ve said what I have to say about it.

For what it’s worth, I hope that people are not punished for picking the faction that they personally like either.

Luckily BFA did so much damage to the OCE playerbase that Horde was wiped from relevancy. You don’t have a choice in the matter in OCE.

Thankfully I wasn’t around during end of legion to be the squeaky wheel otherwise we might still have two active factions.

Historically these choices have been restricted to story decisions, and picking your class in WoW’s case.

It should remain so.

Then it wouldn’t be a meaningful choice. Plenty of games have choices that affect how the game plays for the player. Wow needs more choices that affect both gameplay and story.

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There is a certain charm to Classic WoWs simplicity. Horde felt like a group misfits, and the Alliance felt like the traditional rpg faction. Each class felt like they brought something unique to the table, even though balancing needed to be done.

Anyway, good luck in your raiding progression.