Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Because I don’t like people that deny others freedom of choice by giving them ultimatums.

"You can freely play what you want, but you would be disappointing your friends and teammates. =/ "

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This is actually a masterstroke of arguing, the people against opening the system up have reshaped the argument into “The casuals vs the hardcore” which from your post can be clearly seen as a sham.

This is restriction vs no restriction camp.

Choices vs no choices.

That’s perfectly fine, there are plenty guilds out there okay with this.

These are people who have chosen to make sacrifices to reach a goal that requires a team effort. They’re not telling you how to play the game. I’m not understanding the issue.

I really wish people would quit calling me short.


There are plenty of guilds out there that are okay with that. You are right. Because toxicity breeds more toxicity. And make no mistake, your “leadership” is toxic.

I think you misunderstand my point.

Casuals don’t want choices removed from them. For the most part, the masses out there have very little awareness of what’s going to be happening in shadowlands beyond the strongly slanted hype.

The people who present themselves as typical casuals on the forum, simply are not. This is the internet. Everything is not as it seems.

Why has my guild stuck with me for four tiers if my leadership is so toxic.

sure. I guess i could have been more specific.

well, that’s very true, and the funny part is… that used to be me. the game used to allow for that. I could be a high rated pvp player with only capping my weekly conquest. I could be in a top raiding guild with only 2-3 nights played. it was possible. now, even casual players are putting in more time then heroic raiders did in the past.

yea, definitely some of that going on. I just don’t understand it. the game has NEVER had something like this. the closest things we did have was the artifact weapon talents which we eventually capped anyways.

For me, that’s how covenants should be. allow players to eventually work through them all. maybe it takes months, but if you can put in the effort to unlock them, why shouldn’t you be able to have the reward? this idea of restricting abilities, it just makes no sense to me.

how? I don’t even know the guy, but who are you to say their leadership is toxic?

I would be able to understand the first part of this as an understandable desire, like that’s the whole point of the system, that all abilities seem pretty fun and interesting and you want to play with them as well as the conduits and soulbinds but you are limited to choosing one and only one.

If both are fun gameplay wise it would be pretty annoying to only have to choose one, but in a sense that is the whole design goal of covenants, they want to make 4 attractive chocies so people struggle to decide and weight different things in order to make a choice, and that choice doesnt mean choosing 1 covenant, it also means losing all others. That weight is a part I really enjoy, because it makes the choice matter similar to a class choice which covenants are a form of sub class.

I wouldnt be surprised if they opened it up during the last patch of the expansion as they usually do but I doubt they will be easy to go back and forth since they are DESIGNED against that idea of being good at everything.

I mostly do that because I like a certain kind of gameplay, for examples all meta abiding priests use shadow word voice, I never used this because I love the high mobility gameplay that shadow insight offers, that high mobility GAMEPLAY is what makes this talent mandatory FOR ME as gameplay=what I enjoy.

I will change if I find something works better FOR ME like I changed from shadow word death to auspicious spirits because shadow words death not only felt weak, but the active ability is a dps loss compared to the passive ability since also we have most secondaries during the last patch which can affect the dps of certain talents.

But nowhere there did I choose something because it was meta.

They want to play with their friends and progress through content. So they forsake their own personal interests because they know that they will be benched otherwise.

Literally everything that is being talked about between us has pointed in that direction.

Nothing stopping them playing with their friends in a different guild.

I have a vision of what I would like the game to be. You also have a vision of what you would like the game to be. Everyone has such a vision.

The devs like the systems in place in Shadowlands. It works with how their vision of the future of the game appears to them.

It’s genuinely a mistake to think mythic raiding is a toxic environment for every guild. The people who partake in this content know that they will sometimes be benched, that’s just the nature of it when it’s a 20 players raid and your roster has 21+ players.

We are 27 in my guild. Everyone is super cool with this because that’s what it takes to have a good roster. Someone once “lost their temper” (only very slightly raised their tone) only once for the entire tier. And then apologized right away for a few minutes. So toxic!

And there it is again. The ultimatum.

You are completely missing the argument.

The thing is, the non world first tryhards that have such toxic guilds and environments are often not even that good, if they were forced to play non meta classes they wouldnt be able to clear many bosses because in a sense, they are getting carried by what class is broken each patch.

IF a guild clears at the same time or later as them without them being fotmers, that guild is far better than them, the thing is they arent even play for gear, they are playing for self worth, they are trying to get self worth from ingame achievements, something that is made to be won and make you feel great in the first place.

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No, you just have the wrong perspective.

Your argument isn’t remotely clear. You seem to be saying that progression raiding should be removed because it encourages players to improve their skills.

Vaalrok is out of his element and is completely clueless about the reality of mythic raiding.

I’m not sure even why we are still discussing this.

Delete covenants.