Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Ideally Blizz would stop balancing around high tier gameplay entirely. The vast majority of players arent gonna be doing 20+ m+ or mythic raiding, and balancing around it is hurting the game.


I was wondering how long the meme of only the high tier players care about being the best version of themselves would take to come up.

Bravo thanks for showing up.


what makes me happy is trying different things. that’s what makes wow fun. that has always been what I have enjoyed about this game. choice. trying new things. trying new builds. trying new gear. trying new abilities.

Life is to short to not have choices.


You can have choices you just gotta do the content on 4 characters :clown_face:


Its almost entirely the high tier people I see crying about door of shadows. Havent seen many mid to low tier people freaking out about it.

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Well, have fun doing so. I guess.

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the funny part is that was how legion was. get the wrong legendary? might as well start a new toon to roll again.



Because you can do LFR with no gear on and no abilities on your bar.

I already have 3 shamans, two being 12/12 M.

I’m not going to be the one who suffers if they don’t change it. You will be.

You dont have to pick it within an hour in shadowlands tho. You get to try all 4 while leveling then pick the best one in your eyes once you reach max level


So you are already doing this. So what’s the problem?


You’re going to pick venthyr cause you’re obsessed with the bleeding edge, meanwhile 99% of people will just pick the covenant they like and it wont be nearly as big a deal as people think it will be.


Believe it or not I have the brain capacity to see how it will hurt the gaming experience for others, shocking i know.

99% People?
:clown_face: Typical clown argument right here nice one.


omg exactly! He’s the prime example of how his/her arguement doesn’t hold up at all.


You’re right, its probably higher than 99% of people.


Guess you missed my reply because it fits your narrative.

But how did 8% of the player population have CE Jaina achievement?
Uh oH!

Wow, thinking that only 1% of the players care about optimizing their characters

There’s more than 1% of the players doing mythic raiding lol, add to that pool of players anyone that pushes m+, anyone that pushes pvp rating, and anyone that simply cares about not being a dead weight!


Cutting Edge is heroic and not mythic. I’d have thought more than 8% would have had heroic cleared. This is honestly worse for your argument than if you’d just not have brought it up.

Edit: nvm I’m an idiot

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I mean it’s a non-issue. If folks cared about their character being all powerful, there would be more Mythic raiders. But there’s not. Folks are going to choose wherever they want and play the game.

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bro… cutting edge is literally mythic…


Ah right, I’m thinking of Ahead of the Curve, my bad.