Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Whoa haven’t seen Metro post since you so embarrassingly defended no account bound essences then vanished when we got them.

Cheat death and Door of shadows on the same covenant?

Uh what?


It’s direct comparison. You can also pick your rented power system just like you picked your class and race at character select. Tho you are not following direct comparisons by mention class specs. You can change your class spec any time you like at a rested area or tomb. Unlike your class.


Imagine if the first hour of WoW, you had to pick a class to determine what weapons and abilities you were able to get.

Sorry mate, you picked rogue so you dont have access to redemption.

Animal Companion is with hunter, cant use it.

Should have gone with demon hunter if you wanted access to Fel Rush.


Huh? I post all the time.
Check the history, silly!
Btw, you did not get account bound essences.
Very different.

Not sure what is confusing to you, but look into it further.
There are way way more things than just those two things you mentioned.

Realistically though, none of it is even testable atm, so not even ready for feedback.
I wouldn’t worry about what is and isn’t looking OP quite yet.

But enough is there to see what the end result will look like.


It doesn’t matter, as the others are irrelevant if this goes live.

That’s funny because I managed to get all essences on my third shaman without doing the rep grind. What am i missing?


Wow, the people in this thread are seriously delusional

Actually thinking the covenant system as a whole will only be a 1-2% difference, when the spells ALONE are already a double digit % differences from the best to the worst covenant



You’re obviously missing the part where the essences say “account bound”… the moment you lvl up a new alt,you do not get the essences. You still have to earn them. In a different form yes, but still earn.


How come classes other than rogues arent irrelevant in mythic and m+ if ability to skip packs and cheat death by themselves are as powerful as you claim?


You are missing that you actually had to earn them in some way, which is what I was advocating for the entire time.
The system they employed was exactly what I asked for the whole time.
The “account wide essences” people were asking for at the time was just free power for toons that did nothing to deserve them.

You seem to be stuck on that, so I’ll leave you to it for now. No interest in some 6 month old topic at this point.

Have another look into the Shadowlands systems that have been dug up for now.
These generic traits look strong of course, but from what I have seen these class specific ones are wayyy stronger. Unlike those things that you mentioned, they are actually related to throughput too.

Crazy times ahead!


Not sure It’s even worth my time trying to explain the balancing nightmare giving everyone a free blink on steroids and a cheat death is going to be for Blizzard to a person who seemingly doesn’t do any content in the game.


The blink on steroids is Night Fae though, not Venthyr.

All we asked for was to not be forced to regrind the same essences for 3 weeks to a month on every character.

We got an account wide ability to earn a rank 3 essence in only a few hours.

This is exactly what we wanted all along.


Uh? You get to choose exactly where you want to go, even going up and down levels that blink cannot do.

Then it’s not a blink at all…

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I said it was blink on steroids, which it is.


Right, so its not like Blink in any way. Meanwhile Night Fae has a speed boost with multiple Blinks per use.


Really hoping some more people who don’t raid, do m+ or pvp can chime in the conversation about balance.


You mean like you? a shaman with no blinks, no cheat deaths… You aren’t even listening to logic anymore. Again, you haven’t looked into the full system, you’re just echoing a youtuber.


Picking Necrolords and no one is going to stop me.


As someone who has done all the content in the game this expansion, achieved CE in every single tier of this expansion (Except CoS which DoS would have trivialised the encounter) I can give you an example how DOS would have broken every single encounter.

Want to keep this conversation going?