Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

It’s ok he only kills the 3 heroic-level bosses in mythic, can’t be benched for those!

He has both his rings enchanted and his weapon. I think i read that on Icyveins, is he a meta slave?

Edit: I just checked and I’m right. This both disgusts and disappoints me.

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Oh god, it sure looks like it!

Dirty meta slave Ràlph…

I also really want choices to matter, and when I first started playing WoW I was awestruck as to how many non-choices the player has. The Covenant system is a way for them to add in choices, but why lock these great new additions to classes behind covenants? It’s like you open up your talent tree and you’re only able to select 1 talent from each row for the entirety of the expansion, and you’re never allowed to mess around with the other abilities for fun, no matter the content you’re doing.

I’ll happily salute to 1 covenant, make me stick with the generic covenant ability and soulbind for the entire expansion for all I care. But let me play with the fun tools they added to Shadowlands for my class, let me use the ones I want to for specific situations because some work better in certain areas - IT’S FUN!

I looked at his logs and he even kept Shadow word: Pain on the target at all times!!!


Also not to Ralph this time, blizzard if you’re reading this I beg. Please don’t make me do this. I have 4 shamans and 3 paladins ready at 120 to level just in case but PLEASE don’t make me do this. My sanity is already so low after BfA…

The ultimate impactful decision is when the player realizes they’re not getting anything out of those decisions they were forced to make and goes to find a game that doesn’t seem to be designed by and for control freaks who think other players shouldn’t be permitted to have fun.

Ralph has probably made that “this will only affect world first players” comment hundreds of times. It’s his stock response to every concern about Shadowlands.


Ugh. You people are just the worst. Let people play what they want to play.

This is exactly what we are advocating for.

Opening up the covenants allows people to play what they want to play!

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Sure, if I was a casual dad guild I would let people what they want to play.

We finished World 392 this tier while raiding 2 nights (7 hours total) a week. We’re moving to 3 nights in Shadowlands and we will be pushing top 200.

The entire thread is about letting people play what they want to play.

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isn’t that the weird part here. so many people are so fervent about preventing players from having choice. it has little to do with meaningful choice or agency and everything to do with the casual players sticking it to the players who enjoy being good at what they do. and if you dare say anything, you’re just an elitist min/max scum who has ruined wow!

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I am all for that, but that doesn’t matter to the OP. If a spec falls behind, regardless of even if Covenant abilities get scrapped or not, he/or she would still kick people out of the raid group if they didn’t do what he said. Play how I want you to, or not at all.


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We would not have got our rank that we did if my mages decided to play arcane. Luckily the guys in the guild play for the team and will do whats best for the team.

Theres a fundamental mindset difference.

You’re mistaken, the op wants exactly that too.

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Unless fire does more damage than arcane. Then “play what they want” becomes “play fire or benched”.

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Being benched in mythic raiding is completely fine. It’s part of the game.

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Yes because we are in a cutting edge raiding guild. Why are you going to try and tell me how to lead my raid team?

I’m not mistaken. I am going by the OPs exact words. Perfect balance among specs will never happen. So the tyranny of “play what the top 1% play, or you get benched” will continue.

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I’m totally a casual. The only place I see this discussion taking place is on the forum, led by a small handful of players who seem to play a narrow part of the game.

Real casuals choose their content. They’re into having choices available to them.

The problem is that games attract a lot of people who play some part of the game according to self-imposed restrictions and think people who play any other way need to be stopped.

People who support this bizarre assortment of restrictions are trying, by posting on alts and forum accounts, to make it appear they are large in number. They are not.

This is what raiding guilds chasing to improve their ranks do, I’m sorry if this is a rude awakening.

Theres plenty of time to play around with arcane once it’s on farm.