Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

“yOu HaVe To MaKe MeAniNgFuLl ChOiCE” about which content you can have fun in and only have fun in that content

So stupid. Blizzard is out of touch


I don’t know and I won’t know because I can’t predict the future. I just know that Humanity is a really good player and they’ll be fine no matter what.

I made a meaningful choice and cancelled my sub. Hopefully blizz considered my 499/500 characters in my leaving survey being about covenants meaningful too.


Come on, you can’t even expend a little bit of your imagination to visualise how he might be punished?

A teeny weeny bit maybe?

I will pick covenants based on how they fit with each character’s persona. I can’t bring myself to care about the min/max mini game and I’ll never lead any kind of DPS chart so I might as well have fun in the game.

For everyone who really wants to try and do a little more damage in battle over everyone else, then there will be sims, spreadsheets, and character analyzers out long before launch so they can choose the absolute best for their play style.

Rotations at the top end dont really become that different. The biggest difference between great and good players is understanding pacing in M+ and cd timers paired with positiioning and which spells to q for which packs. Mostly experience.

I use to be 5.5k in legion top 5 havoc dh in 7.3 and if I didnt get to run certain things for certain instances it would make or break the class on a high end scene.

Mind you I only raided 6 hours a week and went to college during this. Doing hard content does not equate to being hardcore its just budgeting time well and taking an interest.

I think you’re right and I agree with you that covenant abilities should be a talent row, IDK why people keep @ing me lol

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Good players compete for spots with other good players. 10% is a bigger gap the higher up you get.
Utility also becomes more and more valuable and its the things that can’t be fixed with their “tuning nobs”
How do they “tuning nob” a blink and a cheat death?

I just reread my post and it sounds more rude towards you than I means it to. I’m just so fed up with this system and it’s not even out yet.

The solution to race imbalance is to make racials 1% buffs or utilities, and those utilities are the reason mythic guilds snowballed to horde

But the idea behind the covenants is they should be powerful, and they also have utilities, which are not in line with eachother

It will make a difference, it will only go unnoticed to the most casual players, it’s going to affect much of the endgame playerbase if they go live this way

Players who want to avoid that have every right to be complaining now, when it’s most important to

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Wow, that is quite a 180 you did right there.

First people that pick the best things are brainlets that are awful at the game to a point where you despise every single one of them

200 posts later after you’re called out, you’re in favor of adding the freedom to pick the best?

Well, can’t blame you for being willing to learn I guess!

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Bro I’m at such a disadvantage not having Mythic slapper in my OH

And these dudes think being locked one of what is essentially shadowlands “essence system” won’t make or break the game for me.

I’ve literally been replaced out of groups cuz I’ve been unlucky and haven’t gotten 2nd slapper yet and that is like 10k overall in most dungeons.

I literally failed a 26 shrine yesterday 12 seconds and over. And ofcourse we could have played better but man that one piece of gear actually would have made a difference.

And these dudes think covenants won’t make or break the game.

So stupid


I hope you know I was joking, I’m terrible at the internet lol. I don’t think that any successful WoW player would ever “turn their brain off,” I thought you were joking too tbh.

Agreed, fotm class stacking is a very real thing (it’s very much prevalent in the current patch with mages and BM hunters) but that’s not what I’m focused on. The discrepancy that you currently see between various classes (if you’re looking at WCL statistics for example, or the top-rated specs in arena, or what specs are at the top end of the leaderboards, as an example) that will now be prevalent within every single class. Some shadow priests will be doing 10% more damage than others on some fights purely based on the covenant that they chose, and vice versa, some will be doing far less damage than the people that chose correctly.

The term FOTM just got a whole lot more prevalent in the WoW community for literally no reason at all.

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This looked suspicious and made me look back.

Nice edits right there.

And before you say it - I very much understand that tuning is a part of this. Tuning alone will not make up the difference some of these abilities offer for group content, and there is no denying that.

Just really hope blizzard changes their mind on this before it turns into BFA 2.0 and lose a lot of their fanbase.

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We know that since blizzard has never and will absolutely never manage to balance everything within 1% of each other, they will try but they wont.
Which of course means there will ALWAYS be a mathematical fotm that fotmers and tryhards will jump on to because these people dont care about rpgs or gameplay, they care about winning.

Therefore they are not people we should care or listen to.

Indeed, if a guild kills X boss with half of them being stacked masterful fire mages and bm hunters and another guilds kills the same boss with a more casual comp based on their players, the 2nd guild is clearly better at the game since they arent abusing obviously broken classes

Agree but like I said in my earlier post, this will never stop exactly because sadly wow has a big number of people who just do what is meta instead of building their own characters.

Wonder if warcraft logs will start dividing player specs via covenants too come think of it.

It is clear that some abilities will be a lot stronger for st, others for aoe, others for utility, and as an spriest I can cry we get mostly utility based abilities cuz dumb healer specs so I am waiting for conduits before i make a choice.

It is clearly a community issue that needs to be solved, and I can confirm that pandering to that fotm mentality by making covenants talents, having streamers say “it is trolling if you dont pick venthyr”, those are only making the community more toxic and worse.

Which is why I believe keeping them locked, and having more people to push towards getting better at your class and spec(Which will ALWAYS provide better results than jumping on fotm) is what needs to be done, but people need to push for that instead of just repeating the mantra of “just copy meta”.

In addition, that only really affects world first players, and world first players gonna be leveling 4 of each class anyway, and even more importantly we shouldnt be changing the game around the 1% that simply has to work harder to get their fotm for world first. The rest of wannabe elites non world first people need to instead focus on playing their class because I can guarantee you that after the first month, all specs and covenant comps will be able to mythic and a mythic 10 even though there will absolutely be discrimination.

The issue is completely community created, and it needs to be fought instead of pandered to.

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Don’t even need to read the rest, that’s a god awful take

Yea, this dude being 40% stronger than this other dude is fine, let’s not try to at least bring this difference down to 3%, who cares am i right?

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You want to raid? Mythic+? there’s nowhere else to go. They don’t worry because the casuals don’t care and the top has nowhere to go.

It’s not trolling, you can pick whatever you want but expect to see a lot of the bench if you choose the non meta choice.