Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Felt this in my soul.


No they wanted everyone to agree with them because they believe everyone is against the current covenant system and every time these people are surprised there’s a huge support for the current covenant system and try to hide all that support by labeling us “people with no skin in the game”

I feel this honestly. Like I really feel this.

You’re the same guy who critised WoW for dumbing down the gameplay and becoming more casual yet you defend the removal of master loot.

also the same guy who keeps repeating you play for fun but complain about the 1% ruining the game.

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Actually the lowest iq thing said in here

Perfect, thanks for the answer. I unfortunately have one more question for you (and maybe this wont apply to you directly, but someone else reading): what happens when you join any form of group content?

Now I know I’m going to get labeled ‘elitist’ here, but what if the group you join cares what ability you have? You could join a different group, or a different team, but I know 2 months after Shadowlands releases there will be groups in the group finder “LF Rogue with X”. We’ve seen it happen with, I promise you with the amount of power these covenant abilities will bring, it will definitely happen with them as well.

Whether the problem exists with the community, or whether the problem exists with the design of the system, there is undeniably a problem that needs to be addressed here, and players like myself are vouching for more flexibility with our class-specific abilities is all. Some classes didn’t receive many changes, so all we have to look forward to is covenant abilities - only being able to use 1 of them certainly doesn’t aid in the fun department.

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No we don’t care enough about people like you to genuinely want that

Not true, people like you exists. Funny how powerful deduction is when you use your brain, eh?

There isn’t. Look up the number of participants in this thread. Look at their posts. Overwhelming majority in favor of making the system better.

weirdchamp… what are you even talking about

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As someone who use to only rp got into mythic raiding and has a glad under my belt who is now playing casually again please let covs be swapped on demand for the love of god I still enjoy hopping on and doing keys sometimes then pvp and raiding. I literally do all content in the game at a higher level casually because I like to fit in challenges in my free time.


Well, that is the hope. I (and many others) provided feedback to them just under 2 months ago about this issue, and there has yet to be a change to completely resolve this. I just wanna be powerful :frowning:

Idk how anyone thinks they will get it right and be able to leave it. They have backpeddled on everything in bfa

Azerite introduced in 8.0
Had to have a vendor added in 8.1
Had to be on every raid boss in 8.1
Had to be added to benthic vendor in 8.2
Had to have the “bis” traits on every raid piece in 8.3
Along with constant balancing every patch.
Only now is it actually Imo a pretty OK system

Essences added in 8.2
Aftrr being told they would never be account bound or opened up for alts because it was important character progression they then added the currency soon after 8.3

Corruption released on 8.3
Had to have huge balancing changes within the first 3 weeks wasting millions of gold people spent on now nerfed poerrs
Had to have the drop rate drastically increased by giving weekly puts from visions (6-8 week in I think)
Had to then have a vendor added a few months after release.

That is bfa.
They have a very consistent track record when it comes to these systems. Can’t we just skip to the part where they fix it?


This has been covered in the first 50 posts or so. Anyone who wants to be informed on the matter should read those. Both sides get presented there

We will either be leveling 4 characters of same class.


Pick w/e is best for the raid tier based on information available to us about end tier bosses from ptr testing / datamined info.

Clear raid

Grind rep for w/e covenant is best for majority of m+ before the push week.

Still be miserable in that one dungeon that is different than all other dungeons and mostly about Sigle target.

Push week is over.

Now you wanna dabble in some arena? Well lol get #%@?Ed stupid.

Wanna go for parses during Farm to have some fun? Lol welll…

Yea this system is stupid af. Blizzard just loves ruining their own expansions.


Yeah I dont get why they cant just make the system as player friendly as possible. It’ll skip any heartache. First impressions are huge we were let down hugely by BFA. Please just be kind to us as players in Shadowlands we have limited play time and have goals we want to accomplish in a reasonable time.

I’m already hating myself for coming back and trying to get cutting edge again and glad again. Need a full haste vers gushing set and full crit haste amp set for pve. Its just not fun I dont have the time for this hardly.

For someone who talked about being civil and all, I see you adapt fast :laughing:


LOL but you got the skills to pay the bills, I don’t think you’ll be left out of any groups even if they don’t fix this stupid covenant/ability thing. Plus, you doing even 10% less DPS would still be higher than like 99% of players NGL.

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Do as i say not as I do :laughing:

This is what I’ve been saying, people will play a game that’s fun to play much longer than a game that has systems involved to make you play as much as possible by dribbling bits of enjoyment.

I would also like to not wait a year for a fix. That sounds great.

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I dont care I’m picking venthir for looks on 3 classes and then putting the other onea in funny places like pally in necro rouge in bastion

Plus didnt they have that token that let’s you change your thing for an hour so for a dungeon you could change to your min max crap

You do realize I am playing an spriest right? Something quite further from fotm.

I have yet to join a group that had a problem with my performance and there seems to be a serious misconception by many people, that apparently you cant be a good player and perform well if you are not a meta slave which is very untrue as all content in the game can be done with all classes and specs after the first month when gear is plentiful.

And since I dont care about being world first, I can easily do anykind of content I want, outside of pvp of course since that requires your class to either be a melee mongo to pug it or an ultra l33t coordinated caster team and I am no longer playing a rogue to touch arenas.

I ve joined a ton of hc pugs across many of my chars and never had an issue, usually my issue is that the pugs are terrible because they invite anyone, same for m+, which is why I make my own m+ pugs, but instead of giving a damn about classes(outside of certain weeks/dungeons that makes interrupts/melee mandatory), io score, aotc or keystone master, I actually open their raider io page and check to see if they have timed all or most of their dungeon runs and that they should be at high key levels. Mythic boss kills are a bonus, on the other hand if they change roles often that is a red flag since few can play all roles well.

My invite criteria as of rn have made almost all the m+ pugs I made easily time keys, so I wont care about abilities, classes or whatever because I know any class or spec can do a m+ or mythic.

I ve also killed heroic nzoth twice in a pug I MADE, because I made the right choices instead of caring about noob fotmers, I chose people with recent kills, good ilvl, that times many m15s and above and we one shotted both times, because I didnt care about fotm, or aotc or X silly thing the community deems good.

When every class and spec can do a m+ and mythic raid bosses, the issue is clearly on the community and the community is what needs to be fixed.

If a group only invites fotm then clearly they are the problem, because you dont need Fotm to beat any boss or m+, and by requiring them it means you are a really bad player who needs the extra advantage of broken classes to beat any content.

You don’t think a DH who is timing +27 keys wouldn’t get punished for doing -10% damage over another DH because Blizzard felt a need to add a player unfriendly system?