Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Both systems are external character power systems. The date they hit the testing phase does not separate them whatsoever.

I get your point, but reading them, I don’t agree with your assessment at all, they’re all useful in varying degrees in all content. They’re not all 100% perfect in all content, but none of them are useless.

Exactly, which means only one thing.


It is literally the whole design goal with covenant, that they are a CHOICE, you cant be good at everything and you shouldnt be in an rpg game.

If you make the wrong choice based on available data you can change covenant without issues, there’s catch ups mentioned if you are slightly behind.

Now if you want to go back and forth between covenants, then yes, you arent supposed to be doing that.

He didn’t mention useful. He said full value.

The only thing that should limit your capacity to be good at everything is your class.

Borrowed power should not be ANOTHER limit on top of it.

Aha, so this leads me to my next point: if I cannot reliably pick my class-specific covenant ability to increase my character power, then I instead have to look at the generic covenant ability, soulbinds, and conduits to do so. So now I don’t even care what shaman-specific ability I get because I can never get full value out of them in the content that I do.

With that being said, what makes that system FUN? For me personally (as you may have guessed) I love getting as much value as possible out of my character, it is truly fun for me. I just don’t understand how being restricted in your choices makes it any fun, and I would really love some insight as to how that makes the game fun for people.

This thread is painful to read. To the person that wanted well reasoned points go back to the start of the thread. It was better there before it got dragged on my bs for 400 extra posts mostly consisting of people with no skin in the game saying “unlike necro Lords sonim picking them no matter what so its fine”

My choice is entirely dependant on the content I main, and not the choice of the covenant I like the most, why even have a choice of these cool factions if I can’t even use the one I want because of the possibility of it being completely terrible in a given raid tier?

I also now have to worry about its utility, its likelihood of being nerfed, how long I’m going to have to grind to swap back, and ontop it’s going to feel terrible because either I use the one that’s good, or the one I like, and from their previous track record.

The choice isn’t about being good at everything or bad or nothing, infact the covenant’s for mistweaver are literally “if you raid only kyrian until it’s hard nerfed”, so what, I just wait until the first balance wave on live before picking my covenant because if I swap off one that’s good later down the line I make it harder for myself to regrind to the one that benefits most from the tier at that point?


Here 300 comments later to reassure anyone not convinced that these covenants are gonna be a balancing nightmare and risk the whole expansion.


This Ralph dude had me worried that Pandarens had some brain issues, thankfully yours is apparently massive compared to his!


Man. You guys are legit making it so blues don’t want to visit or read this

Don’t see a single one that wouldn’t get full value in raids or dungeons, maybe pvp since totems are easy to kill so that might make kyrian a bit difficult.

Checking up on all the covenants, soulbinds, conduits, legendaries and building a character that you would like based on which of those work best for you?

For example rn, I am most likely go Necrolords for the cloth mog cuz it looks UwU, but if the Venthyr get a rly fun conduit I can stack 3x then I could possibly choose them since they are pretty close rn with necrolords in terms of personal value for me.

You play within the limitation of character builders in an rpg, you dont have everything.

People who enjoy character building is the people RPGS are made for, people who want to copy paste the best loadout and go “win” battles, are not, but that’s what happens when games like wow become rly big and popular.

That’s fine, we know they don’t read the forums anyway

I guess we’re starting to lose it when we try to reasonate with brick walls for thousands of posts.

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Yeah, sorry that may have sounded a bit misleading. Like Timbo said, I was specifically talking about getting the full-value out of the Covenant ability.

So as an example, the Night Fae ability requires you to hit 4 targets each time in order to achieve any relevant amount of healing compared to the other abilities. It also requires you to heal 8 targets each use. So for PvP with <4 targets and <8 friendlies (arena) this is impossible. For any raid encounter with <4 targets, this is impossible. For dungeons, you can never achieve maximum possible healing (<8 friendlies - however I understand that in this scenario, doing more healing may not be required, but the argument still stands)

Other shaman-specific covenant abilities work similarly to this, and certainly other classes do as well (at least every single class that can spec healer has this issue, as those are the only ones I have personally tested).

I just want an expansion where I do not have to look at 5 different guides for the amount of convoluted systems I need to complete to PVP at an even half decent level.

Sounds like a scaling issue. Just make it do more if there is less targets available.

Yup. It’s like I could only chose CLF or beam or blood or reaping flames major.

And the. Had to use that one I chose in every content.

Raids arena m+

It’s a stupid system idk what in the world blizzard is thiking.

I could give more “feedback” but it would get toxic real quick.

Toxic systems deserve toxic feedback tho.




Yea not being able do all forms of content at high levels is not fun to me.