Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Thats not what blizzard wants.

They’ve actually said that is an option.

Blizzard didn’t want an Azerite vendor, Account bound essences or a corruption vendor.

The players did, out cry brought change.

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They’ve went back on what they want for every system these last 4 years.

This time will be no different.

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I mean yeah, Individually they would likely be very neutered versions of their current state, but its case of either solving the problem in one of the many ways you can, or dealing with the tide of backlash over xpac.

There is no downside.

The downside exists only if you plan on going back and forth, if you leave a covenant to jump to the new meta covenant and then want to change back to the old covenant cuz it is better for m+
That is what is actually hard, and shouldnt be happening anyway because covenants are not talents

This may have been stated before (sorry, new here) but the Covenant system is not properly testable on the alpha right now. If you take the time to level through each of the zones you can use a Covenant Abilty in that specific zone only or you can log on once a day and test a Covenant Ability in Torghast. This is not proper testing, as neither leveling zones or Torghast are the 3 major endgame forms of content (Raids, PvP, Dungeons/Mythic+), AND we have yet to see the entirety of the covenant systems (abilities, soulbinds, conduits, legendaries) be testable on the Alpha.

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That is still a downside. Say if i want to do Kyrian for Raid, but Vethyr or Fae for M+. I don’t want to incur a downside for enjoying multiple pieces of content optimally.

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I’d rather have 4 impactful abilities I can pick from over 4 neutered abilities just bloating up the bars.

They will just end up allowing switching, only question is, when.

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I legit will never understand why they removed the option for full guild groups.


pretty sure it wasn’t player out cry like this. It was logical and well organized feedback that didn’t involve attacking players. Not ME BABY ME WANT BOTTLE WAAAAA

Well that is the whole point of the system, to make a choice and live with it instead of changing non stop like talents.

They are DESIGNED to not be changeable like talents.

$$ probably, I’m 100% serious, there was too many people not reading loot rules in a guild they were trialing for and getting mad and submitting tickets, causing blizz to lose money on things they can do nothing about.

It’s still as confusing when they did it as it is today.

There were a hundred other betters ways to combat the issues of having a choice than straight up removing it. Any guild worth their salt using RC Loot Council anyway.

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There is a lot of well thought out and logical feedback about this.

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You’re probably correct. It’s still pretty lame to remove that option from guilds. The system was fine from…I think it was WoD? Where if you had 8/10 group members in the raid it was ML or PL as an option. Any less it made it PL only.

I agree.

It’s basically what i said earlier, he’s only joined the thread and started with the last fifty posts.

They could have had a prompt that pops up “The group you have joined currently is using Master Loot, do you want to continue”
Agree or Leave Group.

Yes I know that, more importantly we still need soulbinds and Conduits which are gonna be the new stack 3x thing that is gonna need testing.

The thing is, the person I was replying to argued that they are the same as the azerite armor which was added last minute there was only weeks to go till launch, covenants on the other hand had some times to test their abilities and we still have many months to go.

Rly hoping we get to play with conduits/soulbinds soon, because like you said, we need the whole package to test it on m+/torghst/raids

Legion, and yea, Pugs should be PL only.

Okay so for Resto shaman ALONE, 3/4 of them do not get full value in Arena
2/4 of them do not get full value in dungeons
2/4 of them do not get full value in raids
0/4 of them get full value in solo content (torghast, leveling, world quests, etc)

Picking a Covenant Ability at the beginning of the expansion when you have yet to see all of the raids, dungeons, or PvP tuning… how are you supposed to make an educated decision here? How are you supposed to decide what you want yo use for the rest of the expansion in any form of content that way?

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