Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

No, they literally did not.

The system has not been testable even a single second in the alpha so far. Since it started 3 months ago.

Inform yourself.

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Covenants are probably going to be the worst part about Shadowlands. TBH.


I’m still salty about the vendor lol… I hate M+ so they really could have offered at least some Titan Residuum from raiding. Beyond destroying gear ofc.

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So I guess you admitted the 2 of your claims were wrong and just trying to act as if blizzard made a huge change early, good to know.

Azerite was like introduced in beta a few weeks before launch afair, covenants not only have been introduced MONTHS now, they have been testabable in torghast and we still have months ahead to test them combined with soulbinds and conduits.

Aka absolutely no the same situation : )

Azerite was introduced in one of the last BfA alpha patches.

Which if i remember right was quest gear without raid traits which blizzard hoped they would save it.

It’s a shame, because even thinking if they just gave all the classes 4 new abilities… Think about how crazy that would be.

Instead we have to be piecemeal fed a single ability.

I literally told you they were not. Look it up for yourself?

Oh right, because you think 2 spells is actually the whole system?

Well, let’s break it down for you since you’re incapable of googling “wowhead covenants”

The full system is composed of:

  • Class spell
  • Signature spell
  • 3 Soulbinds
  • Conduits
  • Followers
  • Mission table
  • Callings
  • Sanctum (order hall equivalent hub)
  • Campaign
  • Cosmetics

I guess testing 2 spells means the rest of this bullet list is ready to go then? Wow! Impressive!

4 would be too many, definitely on the high end of abilities received in an expansion, specially with the things most classes are getting leveling from 50-60.

I like having the choice of the 4, but it all should be switchable.

Nice just avoiding my statement because you know you’re wrong. How does it feel to have it throw back at you.

Lmao imagine being that desperate to see covenants as azerite for your argument that you compare the gameplay effects of azerite to the gameplay effects of covenants but because your argument doesnt work you include unrelated to gameplay elements like those xD

Sorry but we already got 50% of covenants being the abilities. what we are missing are soulbinds and conduits, and we still have months ahead to test those so they have nothing similar to azerite being a last moment addition : )

No, I’m simply looking at the full system, telling you what needs to be tested.

Unlike you, naturally.

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4 is Not necessarily “too much”. I believe it was 4 or 5 in WotLK for most classes, and 3-4 in Cata and MoP iirc.

Again you try to change topics, we are talking about gameplay effects of azerite and covenants, instead since you care more about winning some imaginary argument instead of talking about the specific subject you try to argue about blizzard’s entire testing phase which half of it is irrelevant to gameplay effects.

Yeah you did that again, so not gonna be bother again with you

I’m not responding because you’re derailing a thread about covenant abilities into trying to simp for Ralph.

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Watch out man. They will attack you in this thread if you don’t side with them blindly.

That is correct.

You also happened to mention that they have tested the covenants for a while now. This is factually false, as only the spells, which represents 20% of what you gain access to when picking a covenant, have been tested.

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It’s 4 on top of many classes receiving 2-4 abilities/traits leveling. (except hunter and one other for some reason)

Plus they would have to make each individual ability less impactful, just speaking from a prot pally stand point, having all four would be far too crazy

@theun 10c

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Eh. If anything, There should be no downside to swapping covenants.