Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

You mean let people burn out of the current system and unsub and not come back until the system is fixed in 9.3?

Seems like a bad move.

The greatest RPGs of all time had systems where you could easily change your skills/talents. Let’s be fair here WoW doesn’t hold a candle to DOS2, Witcher 3 - So why is tying power to the systems the only way it can enjoy rpg elements if the games it’s trying to emulate can do it.

Yee haw cowboy greenparse back at it again.

Every single RPG elements is preserved and untouched if the Covenants are opened up.

You’ll bring up the “meaningful choice” point I suppose? Thankfully, I can direct you to all (literally ALL) the praised and loved RPG games out there have literally no such things as a decision that you can’t take back outside of story related decisions.

Elitist example of great rpg is of course casualized mass marketed rpgs xD

Sorry, thankfully the devs seem to know what rpgs are about and probably enjoying some dnd where you cant change your choices on the fly and want to improve the game rather that continue with the ultra casualized and homogenized experience

But all you do is casual content, why wouldn’t you be a big fan of them keeping this sytem?

Permanent choices or hard choices with extremely hard requirements to change are part of serious rpg experience itself

Changing everything on the fly goes against classic rpg experience, you build your character for an adventure, not a single enemy.

Oh i get what you mean, this power being locked behind covenant system is exactly like when you have to choose which squad mate to let die in Mass Effect 1.

They are literally the same, actually. I get it!

I will copy what I wrote in my last post because clearly you did not read it to conveniently fit your narrative.

You’ll bring up the “meaningful choice” point I suppose? Thankfully, I can direct you to all (literally ALL) the praised and loved RPG games out there have literally no such things as a decision that you can’t take back outside of story related decisions .

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Not til 9.3, just until mythic week, be like… now you can easily switch!

We want to build the strongest character we can and not be locked in to a covenant. Why can’t you understand that :unamused:

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I don’t think you understand how fed up of Blizzard some players are. Those who quit in BFA over stuff like Azerite (It was a truly miserable experience) and come back to a system like what Blizzard want to do will see the egg on their face and quit so fast.

The game market is too competitive for people to bother waiting around and hoping WoW gets better.

You mean whichever pander to crybabies because they couldnt handle oldschool ones that had actual limitations instead of letting them change loadouts on the fly?
Today’s rpgs are ultra casualized, and it is pretty clear the devs were inspired by rpg adventures like dnd which I can assume they are also playing.

You cant change your choices on the fly there because the enemy that appear isnt favoring your build, and if you tried everyone would laugh at you

I mean, whatever, if you quit if they don’t change it in the first 2-3 weeks of the expansion, so be it, no skin off my back.

The mmo market is actually pretty sparse, and the raiding market is almost empty.

If you want the strongest character do what the actual elite are doing, make 4 of each class and gear all of them, stop being lazy.

If you care about performance ABOVE ALL, THEN PUT THE EFFORT IN.

Why didn’t the ultra diehard games survive?

Remember ultra diehard WoW killer Wildstar? Why didn’t it survive if there are so many people like you ? COWBOY GREENPARSE BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH A HOT TAKE.

Yo you are insane :rofl:

Because they were video games designed to be video games instead of pander to sad people who play games that are designed to make their self worth feel better by creating the illusion of challenge : )

Sorry but video games these days are less about that, and more about making some people live in a delusion to feel better, but that is too complicated for most people to understand since it would void the entire self worth they have accumulated xD

I thought we established you played the game for fun only and don’t care about what elitists do, so why would you be against opening the system up?

You’re a hypocrite and a below average player.

And my fun would be lessened if we removed the rpg elements and pandered to an already toxic community attitude.

Oh your butthurt over me is sweet :3

Below the avg Mythic/heroic raider, the avg player in this game… i question whether they tie their own shoes. You been in LFR lately? They can’t even press an extra action button.

Divinity: Original Sin 2
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
The Elder Scrolls series
Dark souls series
Fallout series
Baldur’s Gate series
Dragon Age series
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Persona 5

And many more…

These RPG games have something in common.

Character power decisions? You can take them all back.
Story related decisions? You can’t take them back.

You tell the tens of millions of players who loved these games, that their games were all “pandered to crybabies”. See how much you’ll be ridiculed.