Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Waaaaaah? Draka is a baller dude. I mean, she’s never been built up within the game, but she’s pretty awesome in The Rise of the Horde. Even as a minor character she’s pretty awesome.

But yeah, 10/10 necrolords was an easy choice.

I put anything blizzard says in the salt bin and shake it up for a while. I still remember when they said that Garrisons would be optional in WoD too. Then the entire expansion was about the garrison. It will be the same with covenants so best thing to do if you want to have the best one for your class is to wait till it’s all parsed out.

They never said they would be entirely optional, they said they would tie into quest lines. They were mostly optional though.

I have characters I raided mythic on who still don’t have a single building built, aside from the one they make you do in the story.

Yes they were, and you see what they did?
Instead of crying and whining in the forums they went through 16 hours of islands per day.

And now they will level 4 of each class, it is because the actual elite, and not the wannabe elite aka meta slaves actually spend effort to have access to fotm.

The meta slaves dont want to even do that, they want to have everything easily changeable so they can jump on what is FOTM because it is the only way for them to do content and when you play fotm the game 2x easier so they are quite literally playing noob mode xD
Referring to the wannabe elite

Blizzard are the masters of adding optional* content.

*May or may not be tied to core game system and player strength.

Yes, because if they didn’t, they would lose their shot at a world first title. Hello???

In my book, someone that rules something can snap fingers and what they want will happen.

Those you call elitists did snap their fingers asking for changes. None to be found.

Everyone is just going to go venthyr for free transmog anyway!

Indeed, which I may remind you, are not the whiners we see in GD because they are not world first.

In my book we dont play about definition, you trying to imply the world first raiders control blizzard and pretending people believe that is disingenuous and a quite desperate attempt to invalidate other people’s points.

So in case you are not posting in bad faith, those said world first raiders have INFLUENCE over the game because we have a strong % of meta slaves who worship them without understanding them

Example: Noob meta slave telling scripe, a world first raider to use immolate on a high level torghast floor while scripe knew that immolate damage was irrelevant and more important he was already overcapping in resources thanks to infernal.

The noob wannabe elitist doesnt know anything, they went to ice veins which told them “keep immolate up at all times or you are bad” and they worshipped that.

Have you see the edgy cloth mog of the necrolords on male panda, we look fabulously evil.

80% chance I am going necrolord just for that.

Eh, going kyrian for throwing 5 beautiful shields.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more stupid comment in my entire time on the forums.

You deserve a reward for this.

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Thanks Mr. Elitist, dont mind if I dont take your words very seriously since you can clearly unable to play the game without meta slaving xD

Ah yes the super secret elitist knowledge

Keep up your dots

Don’t they teach you that in the tutorial?

Edit: HMU Ralph if you want a M Nzoth sale I’ll give you a discount because I’m a fan of equal opportunities.

You are being trolled. But I’m sure I didn’t have to tell you that :rofl:

You absolutely should. Can’t just ignore the words’ literal meaning. That’s very stupid.

No… that’s… what you do… :man_facepalming:

Yes, they have influence. Some people do follow what they do. Some people use their brains and know what is the best as soon as they look at the available options.

They asked for changes, they never happened. Therefore, this game is not led by elitists.

Also, a reminder, this is quite offtopic at this point. We want Covenants to be better for everyone. No elitism to be found here.

Sorry, my self worth isnt attached to video games that are made to be won : )

I am here to have fun

Then you will certainly not mind with making Covenants better. Since all the solutions suggested will not affect you whatsoever! Amazing, isn’t it?

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True! He can have 4 x more fun with our suggestion!

I think they should make it easy to switch them, I won’t be switching personally, but they should…

After we let people squirm for like 2-3 weeks, just for the fun of it.

Yet again your above post quite literally implied they must have influence over blizzard when I also on my above post said they have influence over the community.

Might want to read I guess?

By making them worse for people who enjoy rpg elements and serious choices and pandering to the wannabe elitists?

Yeah sorry, not gonna agree there, you are making the game worse in two ways, first by removing the only semi serious rpg element the game got in, in a long time, and 2ndly by pandering to the elitist attitude which would only make the community worse. You are actively making the game worse.

Thankfully Blizzard isnt relenting