Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

I was Necrolord long before any of the others, shame we get Thrall’s Mom as a major lore character tho…

Ah yes, all these 440 people parsing overall purples or oranges.

The stat difference between a 450 and 475 piece is massive.

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There is a difference

Not nearly as big as you think though. The external systems have a far stronger weight than 25 ilvls.

Maybe blizz will announce a new system for covenants at the live stream on wednesday. I really hope they do.


I’m with you there Ezudius, they have an opportunity to create such a gigantic amount of content if they just give up their dated ideas of what they think players want.

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And the elitist has shown their face, which is a great way to show you are irrelevant.

Just like your whining was irrelevant when master looter was removed and the game improved :3

Enjoy being a meta slave and getting your covenant nerfed after the first month or having to level 4 of the same class, I ll be enjoying my game UwU

Going for the Mogs. Everything else can sod off. Mogs I can take with me to the next expansion if there is one at the rate the world is going. The special powers will be forgotten after the first tier or two. Besides, we all know if we switch Covenants before Blizzard allows us to switch Covenants; (in response to such a flawed system), we’ll be screwed while other players will have it easy.

Calling someone who wants the game to be good for everyone an elitist?

His ideas literally makes him the opposite of an elitist.

It is massive, like 300-400 main stat a piece in some cases.

Don’t even bother

This guys whole argument just is based around him not liking people that play meta builds because they’re all noobs

Ironic that this makes him an elitist

Just don’t bother

Yes, it’s a lot of stats.

Then you realize the external power systems contribute to 80% of your damage.


Person literally demands and implies people should choose one covenant aka the meta one because it is the only way to do convent
not elitist
lol, need to follow what she says, it becomes pretty obvious they are the toxic elitist kind that cant even fathom people not being meta slaves and playing something else so you know they ll be discriminating against anyone playing non meta covenant.

Because bad players cant do anything if they dont get carried by fotm. Force them to play a non meta class and suddenly they have problems clearing stuff

They depend on fotm to do anything.

Not always, depends on class.

You can have perfect Corruptions on some classes but you need the stats to back them up (like secondary stacking), so yes, ilvl still matters a ton.

A mastery stacking fire mage only gets better with higher ilvl

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For classes stacking secondaries (most of them), secondaries are worth 3-4 per 1 main stat. Crit is worth 4:1 for me.



relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite.

Who is advocating for the world first guilds to lead how the game should be?
No one!

We just want a system that makes the experience good for everyone, by eliminating as much frustration the current system will cause.

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And the massive crit difference between someone in 450 vs someone in 475 isn’t going to make a difference? Don’t make me laugh.

A 450 fire mage with max Mastery corruption is going to be completely wrecked by a 475 fire mage with the same corruption.

You clearly havent played the game if you havent notice how the elite rule already but more importantly, they arent even the real problem, they are the wannabe elite who copy the elite aka meta slaves that worship the choices of the elite and will discriminate against anyone who doesnt worship the same choices as the elites even though they have no idea why said elites made those choices.

And no, the game is supposed to have rpg elements, meta slaves are not relevant because they wont to be optimal for every boss,dungeon,content. They should and deserve to suffer through 4 of the same class just like actual elite level every single class

This is factually incorrect. The world first guilds were pissed for every single tier to have to grind islands 16 hours a day for 2 weeks before the mythic week.

If they were really the ones who “rule the game”, this would never be a thing.

Those are conserved and 100% unaffected by opening up the Covenants.

I’d honestly love to have them not change it until the week of mythic release just to watch people squirm.

Can we get more of the 3/12 Green parsing shadow priest telling the priest in a World 74th guild about playing the game? More of this please.