Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

You should design the game then if you have all the answers. :slightly_smiling_face:

:smiley: sure might as well have someone who actually interacts with the community!


I’m digging everything about the Covenants (and Shadowlands), from what I’ve seen, except for how tightly-coupled the Covenant themes are to some of the classes.

Tightly-coupled to a point where it’ll feel wrong to choose anything else. I wish Blizzard had been able to creatively introduce more agnostic themes for our characters to align with.


Yeah, as far as theme for instance how would you be a druid and not go night fae? No matter what the power differential is or isn’t anything but them would feel weird on that class. That’s the main reason I’m letting theme dictate, I too hope it isn’t too restrictive.

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I’m absolutely in the same boat. Not going Night Fae for my Druid is insanity, even though the shapeshift ability is pure rubbish for a shapeshifting class…

I just don’t understand how Blizzard thought these rigidly-themed factions could be considered open choices. If anything, it’s the illusion of choice.

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You realize to accurately calculate % of population you would need to know sub count which isn’t published?

Also it’s a raid 2 patches old that drops a mount so it is cleared in 470 gear for the mount and very frequently sold.

8.2 launched on June 25th, and at that time per WoWprogress 1524 guilds have killed her. As of today 4945 guilds have killed her.

So, 31% of the total actually did it when it was relevant. Showing the vast majority just waits until they can brute force it over getting good.

Great advice! Except none of them make me happy. I want to pick my gameplay, and I want to pick my aesthetic. Locking certain aesthetics to certain gameplay makes all choices feel bad.

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That’s why plenty of people are providing feedback. In the hopes that blizzard changes the system so that it is fun, and not just punishing.

SHadowlands is going to be a flop and send more people to the classic servers. Lets hope BC drops shortly after SL

Hard agree. It’s been really difficult for me to get an interest in any of them other than the Necrolords just because they’re just ballers. I wish Ardenweald wasn’t so heavy in the fae, but it is beautiful. It also seems like it’s only relevant to Druids and races that worship the Loa and Wild Gods. Bastion is…angels. Venthyr is vampires. Wish it was more gargoyle based, but eh it is what it is. Venthyr is probably the least interesting for me.

Factions exist so…

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I want a Blaster Master.


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Yes, faction, race, and class are the three ways we choose to experience the entire game. Covenants are a throwaway, expac only system that shouldn’t be that way. The argument that the devs made to not just have the covenant abilities be talents is “then you’d be running around with angel wings using plague abilities”. But if I go kyrian, I will be just that, because I’m a dk. I want necrolord aesthetics, but if the gameplay feels bad, choosing necrolord will feel bad. At the same time, if I choose a different covenant for the gameplay, running around in aesthetics i don’t enjoy also feels bad. The system as is is punishing and restrictive for no reason whatsoever.

Even from a purely power PoV it’s irritating.

It’s fine if you only play one spec (or role) in one form of content. But maybe my viewpoint is biased because I know practically no-one who does that.

Most of the people I know do multiple forms of content, often on completely different roles. I know people who PvP Heal and PvE DPS, people who DPS in Raid, but tank in M+, and people who prefer spec Y for some content, but spec X for others.

It’s going to be really annoying when Blizzard basically says, “you have to choose between playing Aff in M+ and Demo in Raiding for optimization”,

The fact that we essentially don’t get to choose the cosmetics we want or the story we want to see ontop of that is just salt in the wound.

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Can someone clear something up for me?

Folks reference BFA failures. They say blizzard didn’t listen. And now they’re saying blizzard isn’t going to listen again.

Are you guys going to stop paying blizzard $15 a month then? Right now I see people who said BFA was bad, but still paid $15 a month for it.

Just seems kind of odd people refuse to leave a game they don’t enjoy.

I hear this pretty often and I think it comes from a place of frustration; players get tired of hearing the complaining and start to minimize the complaints out of spite. I get it. I find many complaints on the forums to be overblown as well.

However, many players willing to write out long explanations of issues they have with Alpha/Beta/PTR changes and offer alternatives aren’t doing it to serve some kind of simple ultimatum of “I WILL UNSUB”, they’re writing it because they’ve invested 15 years of time and fun and friendship into this world, and the people maintaining the design are ruining it for them. They don’t want to stop playing, they just want to continue to enjoy the game they’ve already invested so much into.

“Stop complaining or unsub” is a bit trite, childish, and quite unhelpful. It is like telling people to “move out of the country” if they don’t like some specific laws, instead of trying to get the laws changed. The goal isn’t to leave and find another game, it is to fix what we have, or had. Make it so we can all be happy.

Take some simpler game, like poker. If you played poker for years on the weekends with your friends, and suddenly after years, the person hosting the game switched to some other variant of poker (that you liked less), would you just stop going? Would you tough it out so you could continue to see your friends and drink some beers? Or would you start a discussion about how much you don’t like this change, and hope they’d change it back?

In the future, try to put yourselves in these people’s shoes instead of just trying to convince them they should stop playing a game they’ve enjoyed for 10+ years.

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What I’m asking is why would you continue to reward a company with your money if they aren’t doing what you want?

I think blizzard will get it right eventually. They said they’ll try to be better with listening to feedback. And I’m excited for shadowlands.

But if people don’t have a point where they are willing to walk away, and are still paying, there is no incentive to change, is there?

lol metalitists are gonna hate themselves.

Oh well, doesnt bother me at all :slight_smile:

I think everyone has different thresholds, honestly.

In my circle of friends WoW is pretty unique in the amount of time invested into it versus any other game in existence. People abandoning this game after playing it for hundreds of days of in-game time is not unlike going through the throes of a breakup, mentally. Finding something to fill that void, etc.

So like any potentially unhealthy relationship, some people just kind of soldier on. They rationalize, perhaps switch to another class/spec, new guild, etc. Something that doesn’t completely disconnect from what might simply be an addiction.

Others really do just bail out, eventually. They don’t come on here to complain either; they just let their sub lapse and never come back. I don’t know about you, but my BNet friends list is mostly a graveyard. Somewhere between WoD and now, they hit their limit and found some other “forever game”. Maybe they went to FF14, maybe something simpler like Fortnite / Apex. They’re gone though and Blizzard isn’t seeing that money.

I thought BfA was going to be my limit, honestly. With the exception of Drustvar, the story and zones are awful, and pretty much every change this expansion is worse than it was in Legion. I don’t enjoy M+ anymore, the newer zones aren’t fun to me, and even the capital city (Horde) is awful to navigate and use on a daily basis.

I’m down to maybe 3-4 people I enjoy playing with. If some subset of those people bail in Shadowlands if/when they don’t right the ship, I’ll probably take at least a long hiatus. They’ve shown for a few years now just how little they’re actually listening. It doesn’t mean I don’t desperately want them to fix it.

Like others, my biggest concern is the balancing. And not only what balance will look like on day 1 … but on each major patch. Blizzard is notorious for swatting a fly with a sledgehammer. I mean, in the first patch, X covenant could be OP for Y classes. And the next patch, that same covenant could be absolute trash for those same classes because Blizzard did a terrible job at balance.

Think about all the possibilities across all covenants, all classes/specs across all patches throughout the expansion, and does anyone really think Blizzard is going to balance this correctly? If anything, this has the potential to be another Azerite gear size problem that literally cost them tens (it not hundreds) of thousands of dollars to a fix? Remember, essences were a fix to azerite gear. They were not planned. They need game designers, ui/ux designers, developers, qa, release management. Trust me, it was a costly mistake.

Is that costly a mistake really worth the risk again? Especially when they come up with a solution that works for everyone now? I know people are triggered at people complaining, but it’s worth reminding those people that their style of play is not better than anyone elses.