Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Blizzard really can’t help themselves, they either nerf something to the floor (Infinite stars, Echoing Void, Gushing) or they do +1% damage to specs.

Anyone who has played the game at all this expansion should be terrifying at the though of blizzard having to balance so many abilities, soulbinds. They simply have proven time and time again they are not fit for the job.

Like mythic+ bring a rogue and choose venthyr and profit from skips

You think you will have to make this choice in the first hour? I don’t think that is likely since you probably won’t make it out of the first zone in that time.

Sure we can dilute the conversation if you want.

It can’t be.

It’s based on Blizzards atrocious track record and information coming from people who are playing alpha.

I am playing alpha. I think you are creating a bunch of drama and panic out of nothing.

That’s spectacular. I don’t think you understand I would love the opportunity to be proven wrong.

If this doesn’t change and these all come out within 0% Dps difference and all the skills provide an equal opportunity for all people doing all content I’ll gladly come back here and apologise to everyone personally and eat my words.

But it’s simply impossible for blizzard to balance the skills, so I think you’re wrong. I’d actually rather question what kind of content you do on live if you see nothing wrong the proposed system.

I am not disputing any of that because no one knows how it is going to go into the game.

I am disputing there is no decision making needed in the first hour of that nature. That I trust blizzard is stupid enough not to do. You get exposed to them all before you have to pick one.

If i changed it to 8 hours how would anything change? You’re still being forced to pick what you will be using for the rest of the expansion extremely early and being locked in to a clump of systems all at once.

Your covenant ability, your utility ability, your soulbind and your legendaries all in one package.

It won’t be 8 hours either. In fact, if you really have a hard time making up your mind I am betting you will be able to go for a good long time without picking one.

And here’s some facts for you, each area has quests that enable you to try out the abilities of that covenant.

Anyone who picks a covenant in the first weeks is mad.

Everyone saw what happened to corruptions. People spent millions of gold on IS - It got nerfed, people then spent millions of gold on EV - It got nerfed, monks spent millions of gold on IT - It got nerfed.

Why in the world would i pick a covenant before Blizzard does their sledgehammer balancing like usual? I’ll wait for the first round of nerfs and level all my shamans.

I have fun by doing difficult content. Content that requires people to perform at their best to do it.

So the balancing of covenants is extremely delicate and important.

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They’re giving us four different war campaigns. You just need four characters to see all stories this expansion instead of two.

I’m going to let random chance determine my covenant.

Add to that Hey! Night Fae is your best in slot!! …1st tuning pass and its the worst for everyone…that’s what Im afraid of.

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Which is way down from 12 in legion!

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Can’t wait for the cheat death to be changed to a 20% heal on a 3 minute CD and Door of Shadow to be changed into a 3 second 60% Movement speed.

I can see it now.

Developers Comments: We’ve looked at the balancing of covenants and have noticed an overwhelming amount of players have selected Venthyr, We feel to maintain the balance we have changed the abilities to be more in line with the others

I also have fun with the difficult content, and I want the convenient abilities to be a talent row like you stated in another topic. I simply don’t understand your claim that the DPS difference would be significantly different. What is that based on? How are you so sure that you would tell everyone who doesn’t think so that they are “outta their minds”?

Abomination Limb - Necrolord
Instant, 1.5-minute cooldown
Sprout an additional limb for 8 seconds, dealing 4,900 Shadow damage every 2 seconds to the nearest enemy. If the enemy is farther than five yards from you, they are pulled to your location.

Death’s Due - Night Fae
Instant, 30 yard range, 45-second cooldown
The targeted ground begins to wilt, dealing 14,250 Nature damage over 10 seconds to targets within the area. Drain power from each enemy within the area, reducing their damage done by 10 percent and increasing your strength by 80 for 10 seconds.

I feel at this point nothing else even needs to be said.