Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

Yeah I understand the sunk cost argument, but I was stating that it doesn’t personally effect my reasoning for playing. My account will always be mine. I’ve had it for more than half of my lifetime, but if I’m not having fun I just un-sub and don’t play. If I want to look at my characters or something I’ll just go on the armory.

this response was centered around your original comment.

yes, this a thread of people not caring.

you ever played alpha? I have. guess what, people are trying to stop a train wreck from happening. it’s happened before, many, many times.

I’m not here to argue. I’m here to bring some reality back to this situation. this happens every new expansion. Alpha releases. tons of feedback gets submitted and players are concerned… these are players PLAYING alpha.

Then what do we have here? A bunch of GD players who have never touched alpha or understand why players are concerned and offer up meme level responses to valid arguments. “it’s just alpha bro, lul”

Cool, not what I was talking about mate. Gameplay issues =/= number balancing. Complaining about venthyr is another matter entirely. I am not sure why you are having such an issue with this matter.

Cool story, I appreciate you wanting to apply a blanket generic statement without knowing my stance on the matter as a whole, but good job. Totally endearing people to your cause with the contemptuous view.

pretty obvious. cool story. My cause? Sorry if my factual information offends you.

So it’s only going to take an hour in Shadowlands? Sweet.

Imagine being mad as hell at there being meaningful choice
At this point they may as well not tie player power to any kind of choice
Literally no fun allowed

What makes me happy is performing to the maximum ability of my classes potential in all situations

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Yea as someone who doesn’t like to look at expansion details in advance, to keep things spoiler free… this sounds like a nightmare. Yikes.

Guess I’ll have to break my rule and do some shadowlands research. But not until like a week before it drops.

Nobody touched this one. I guess we forgot how much of a paint it was to grind the rep then swap if you were a hybrid that had to do a new role lol.

You realize that you play through most of every zone before you pick one, right? First hour? Hyperbole police incoming.

I mean i was going to choose Venthyr anyways. Them making it OP AF worked out in my favor.

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Same. Their armor sets are amazing. Hopefully they don’t get nerfed into the ground. :upside_down_face:

I’m going Venthyr too. Definitely hope Venthyr are an Allied Race

We pick them at level cap, but you just know that we’re going to pick a Covenant and Blizzard will do their Blizzard thing and nerf the living hell out of the Covenant a lot of people went with. That’s guaranteed to happen during Shadowlands, possibly within the first few weeks.

I am not excited about choosing a Covenant because I know there will be major balance changes done after I make my choice.

Well put. Blizzard fixing this crap system they’ve designed before launch is what will determine rather or not I give a dang about this expansion or not.

BFA’s systems weren’t great but at least they’re versatile and can flex relatively easily.

Yes and surely you understand that some people actually like participating in group content and progressing their character’s power more than they care about vanity collections?

Obviously if your Endgame is solo content (looking at your armory, it surely is, at least for the most part) and collections, it won’t really matter what you choose, and therefore you can do so based solely on aesthetics / story.

People enjoy different things.

People who both enjoy maximizing their character’s power AND story / aesthetics are being told they can only have 1 (unless they’re really lucky) in Shadowlands.

“Blizzard won’t let this go live as is, just wait guys”

Literally what happened with azerite powers this expansion, had to be fixed in a patch. Same thing happened with essences and corruptions later down the line.

Their track record with introducing systems in a functional state is so abysmal, the people defending it are like the flat earthers of WoW.


Problem is, I like the look of the Necrolords (Maldraxis) for my Warrior, but I really don’t line their aesthetic.

All the other three look beautiful and would be happy with any one from an aesthetic point of view. But I don’t like their abilities.

What do?

Yep… I can pick the covenant I like the aesthetics of, the ability I like the gameplay of or the covenant that is actually best for my spec. Not even class… spec.

Bugger me if I play multiple specs and the ability is only good for one or if I highly dislike the aesthetics of the covenant I have to join or even more severely dislike the gameplay of the ability for the covenant I wanted to join based off of lore.

As I’m sure you can realize all of these scenarios are true on my main. It’s annoying just to think about and I cannot fathom why Blizzard designed yet another unnecessarily complicated system.

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Covenants will be a train wreck

Don’t believe me? Ok I predicted garrisons would suck, they did. I predicted az armor islands and warfronts were gonna be bad. They all were mistakes just like covenant abilities are going to be.

Keep on not listening to feedback Blizzard👏

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