Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get

I have a friend who has gotten CE every single raid tier since Legion as a Resto Druid by clicking raid frames to heal. So many people would consider that awful, which objectively it is, but that doesn’t stop him.

This Covenant debacle is a classic case of the pitchforks coming out before the verdict is decided, we like to do that a lot here in the WoW community.

Quick question,

If META is so important, how come when I go over to raiderio and look at the top 100 tanks all specs are present? Sure there are way more warriors, but there are people who play all the specs in the top 100.

I bet if you give all of those players different covenants they’d still be in the top 100 because they are good players.

Meta is toxic and cancerous and catering to it is a destructive mindset.


What you are essentially saying is “have fun the way I have fun, the way you prefer to have fun is invalid because I said so”.


Not sure how you read that at all considering his words are literally *pick whatever makes you happy!.
People are way too quick to find a reason to disagree, when they don’t have a reason to do so.

I totally agree with this.

However… there are some that will say they like to be invited to raids and push content… and some folks will be grumps and not invite them if they picked the covenant they wanted rather than what the optimal robot said they should pick.

I’m not a raider or M+ player and I’m not freaking out about it, I can just read the writing on the wall though. I was also picking Venthyr anyway before the abilities were even announced.

Keep reading the rest of the thread. To simplify a large percentage of people in this skinner box game find their fun in accomplishment which Covenant locking actively works against. So they don’t have an option to be happy.

How does that apply to the person you quoted Zanielle? Or was it an agreement?

Because he is (perhaps innocently) saying that the way Covenants exist today you can take a choice and be happy when many people won’t be. I know you like to argue in these sorts of us vs them threads but it’s pretty simple.

Trusting Blizz to balance anything is a meme.

These abilities are going to be broken and the power-gap between covenants is going to be immense.

God forbid you pick the best covenant and their stuff gets nerfed.

Forums are going to be full of whiners Day 1.

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So how does that relate to the person stating “play the game how I want” ? You can’t control whether or not people are happy, but it does sound like he is advocating for them to just go with what makes them pleased, meta or otherwise.

I know you want to act as abrasive as possible without reason, but maybe you shouldnt?
Besides, the forums are a place of contention, so your commentary is neither mature nor appropriate.

don’t care yet responding to me anyways. Your comment was flat out wrong and that’s all that matters. what’s with people like you? you can’t just admit you just made something up and instead just want to double down. I don’t get it.

Imagine if you played alpha in previous expansions and understand how the process works and what it means. :shocked pikachu:

bad example though because it wasn’t always like that. it’s only been in this last season that we have seen a lot more diversity due to the seasonal affix changing, along with corruptions opening up, more specs/classes have become ‘viable’ for pushing higher content.

being good is equally matched with gear and abilities. yes, they’ll still be good, but they may not have as much potential as they could.

It’s not even about that though, for players trying to be better or maybe even be the best, they want to be able to remove KNOWN obstacles first. So if you know a certain comp or group make up works best, then that already removes a known issue in pushing. So if you do fail, you can narrow down the reasons for failure more quickly. to that, when you play a more meta comp or popular spec, it’s far easier to find resources to improve yourself. There are tons of videos to see how the best resto druids are doing M+ and none for holy priest or r.sham.

How is that any different than any expansion that has ever been released?

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Not sure how you came to that conclusion of me not caring to respond vs not caring about your point and explaining the matter to you, but okay!

Except…it isn’t? Its alpha? Numbers arent balanced out? Not sure how you can be wrong about something that has not come to pass at all yet.

Did you look in a mirror while writing this out? THis applies to you, not me.
You argued the wrong thing first of all (gameplay), when I pointed it out you said look at the number.s.

I said, its alpha, they’ve not balanced it yet.
You said “you’re wrong and I am right.”
Like…that’s an odd series of events

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except it isn’t? many of the numbers can’t be simmed, you know why, because they are utility abilities that change HOW you play. Cheat death. Blink. Attacking LoS. Grips. Roots. etc. None of these are going to mean anything in a sim.

Even ignoring that, some of these are far more geared for AOE, while others are for single target. Saying it’s going to be even a 3% difference is a joke and ignores everything we have seen in this game up until now.

that isn’t at all what you said. the word alpha wasn’t even in the comment I responded to. what are you even talking about?

here is what YOU said.

Alpha numbers are already showing a much larger difference. you are trying to dismiss this discussion based off numbers you pulled out of thin air.

Cool story, wasn’t ever talking about that, and neither was the OP to whom I responded. Maybe not jump in with the wrong idea, then insist everyone go with you?

Yeah, I spoke of it earlier mate. In fact, in my next response to you after the quote.

Its alpha, no one cares. :man_shrugging:
I am dismissing your discussion becaue

  1. Was not talking about utilities.
  2. Its alpha, balance isn’t done during that time period.

You’re so eager to argue you didn’t even care to pay attention what you were arguing against. Clearly this is cyclical though, so, moving on.


This guy gets it. If it’s not fun why play? I don’t play 8.3 content because I don’t find it fun. I’ll pick the covenant that looks the most fun.


Because players want to try to force themselves to have fun in WoW because they’ve played it for a long time. So when the game isn’t fun to them they get upset, but don’t want to quit because they think that they’ve put too much time into this game to play something else. Never understood that mentality to be honest though.


Sunk cost fallacy.

It’s why folks lose money in the stock market. People are committed to their investment even if it’s bad.