Imagine if the first day of BFA, you had to pick a covenant which would determine what corruptions, essences and azerite traits you were able to get


Congratulations on not at all reading what I stated, and disagreeing for the sake of being contrarian.
Going off of numbers from Alpha is being facetious at best. Maybe you should stop writing?

The guy who started this thread said

I’m raid leader for a 12/12M guild if my mages decided to play Arcane or rogues went Sub they’d be benched.

There is no “different builds” at end game. You pick the optimal build to clear the content the easiest.

The reason people are freaking out about the swap is because they want to be optimal. Not because they want different builds. They want the build that offers them the easiest solution to their problem at hand.

Blizzard is taking everyone to the ice cream store and telling them to pick one flavor. Folks are freaking out because two minutes into eating Vanilla they may want Chocolate.

Wait and see how hard it is to swap covenants and for them to showcase the full system. I do not believe they have done so yet. They said you can swap, so you can swap.

If it takes twelve hours to swap, well they gave you the option to do it and if you want to be optimal do it.

Top raiders in Classic played 12+ hours a day to get the best gear in the game to be optimal.

Wait and see what their solution is. Ion already said they heard about the complaints with the system. They said if they can’t fix it they’ll toss it.

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If you don’t do M+ or raiding, you have no exp of doing them. And let me ask you a question … do you know what META is and how it works? Id ask you also how long does it take you to find a group for m+ as shadow priest but you don’t do them.

That’s just an ad hominem mate.

On my Shadow Priest I can’t get into any groups, even when I link raid achievements :upside_down_face: So I guess in Shadowlands I’ll be used to getting declined by groups based on a choice!

Also stop talking about classic raiding. The bosses has less mechanics than retail bosses in dungeons.

I do a few M+s and I’ve been raiding a little bit but I can get better gear from doing visions anyway so why bother?

I actually do mythics. I’ve only done up to 10+ so far but those times i’ve never had issues finding a group. I don’t usually run as shadow for dungeons anyway. I like to try them out as dps just to get a feel for how it would be to heal then I jump into disc/holy spec.

Again, here you are making assumptions though without doing any actual research.

You’re just trying to invalidate my opinion or something.

I read what you stated and I quoted the point that mattered. if you want to boil the abilities down to 1-3% then YOU’RE missing the point. if it was just about damage, then most of us wouldn’t have an issue.


Stick doings 10s and lfr raiding in that case and pick what you want, but if you want something better you will pick the meta covenant.

End of Story.

I don’t raid LFR…

Why do you keep assuming things?

Didn’t they say multiple times that you need to finish the leveling experience before you can pick a covenant? It won’t be a split second decision.

Yes IIRC the Covenant affiliation is something you start at level 60.

I don’t care about YOUR point because I was not discussing it in the first place. You’re basically demanding that I not speak my viewpoint on a matter in regards to damage, which was the original point of the OP.

Facepalm yourself some more, maybe you’ll realize how silly you’re being by demanding someone speaks your opinion instead of speaking their own.

Except…you can do +20’s and more without doing the meta as we have seen. It is harder, yes, but meta does not mean you MUST play this to succeed. It is simply, you play this if you want to have the best tools to succeed.
Can you do a +24 as a BDK? Yeah
Do you want to?

META is the easiest route to the goal.

In League of Legends I was diamond 2 with low diamond 1 MMR when I played. I didn’t play the meta, I played what champions I liked. However there were hundreds of thousands of players below me on the ladder who went META.

You’re able to do Mythic+ as a shadow priest. Might be hard to find a group, sure, but you can make your own groups. You have good mythic+ scores, so it wasn’t impossible for you to find groups, right?

There is always going to be a META. If you pick the “wrong” covenant and can’t swap in time, well, maybe it takes a bit longer or you have to try harder. Or go with a personal group and do the dungeon.

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One day I’ll dedicate time to leaving gold V

That’s literally all it is. I just played a bunch, also go support mage and learn to bully people in lane. Then let yourself get carried. :slight_smile:

But even in WoW, you have people who are 12/12M as “bad” specs.

This wouldn’t be too much of a problem without the Borrowed Power mechanic tied to it. Sure people would still complain about mounts, pets, profession recipes, and transmog.

I can’t, I just enjoy jungling too much. =(

It is also true as you say. People get stuck on what is, and is not meta, and dont realize it often doesn’t matter. You’re playing against the game, and as long as you time it, then why should it matter?
Long as you’re good at the game, I’ll take any spec.

Except for Paladins and Priests. The healing stings.

Imagine if you rushed to judgment while the expansion was still in alpha. Now that would be scary!

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