Imagine being an artist

The title is an auto-biography for the OP.


The problem with getting offended on other’s behalf is that you’re inserting your own biases in places where they really don’t belong, making you look foolish.

The people who decide how to monetize items are not the same artists who actually make the set, and they’re all getting paid as employees of the corporation they work for.


You had me until this sentence. I 100% agree that good art (mogs/mounts/models/environments) deserve to be heralded as the game’s strongest asset. However, there is absolutely no way that the artists themselves are seeing higher paychecks if/when store items turn out to be popular. That’s just not how these businesses do business.

Besides, I don’t see many people saying the mog is bad. Just that they want the price to be lower, or for it not to be attached to the store at all. I don’t think that’s wrong.


They care about constructive criticism, if you take people who are basically throwing out your basic elementary school taunts seriously you have some problems.



theyre making good points uhm… change subject

You’re the one talking about all of your “experience” - so where are your credits?

I imagine if you’re being honest, at least slightly, they are for some unknown indy game, without unending development like WoW.

I don’t believe for a second you even have done that though so I’m not holding my breath.


That’s true, but not nearly as bad as here. A lot of people here honestly disgust me.

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Well, first, I didn’t say that so you are being silly.

Secondly, I am an artist myself and have been for a very long time and if you are one, you must be aware that the very nature of art is that it is utterly subjective. In fact, it’s probably one of those fields of human endeavour where critique is completely dependant on viewpoint.



Yeah, I very much doubt that.


The people who are saying the mog is bad are edgy people who get angry at anything that looks the opposite of edgy to be completely honest “It’s a fairy set ewwwwww”, why the OP is so seriously going after people who have such a childish mentality and probably have no real constructive criticism is beyond me.

Not sure what the point of your post was?

So what if the Transmog was locked behind a months long grind, or a Raid -PvP achievement.

What’s the point of this post? The artists are employed by Blizzard and earn a salary. They are expected to make this because it’s their job. You know what happens if you don’t do your job? You get fired.

They don’t own a etsy or fiver account making art on the spot. Why are you defending a multi-billion dollar company that laid off 800 staff while boasting about record profits.



“IF” how many people do you think are into paying 6 months at once? lol. Do you think blizz is just gifting stuff ? obviously they do this promotions because in general people end up giving them more money for it.

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Tell me where it says everyone has to see a work of art the same way and I’ll say that’s a load of dookus.

What I like, what you like, what someone else likes is entirely subjective. I can say a mog is bad because I think it’s bad. Opinion is sort of all about that, y’know.

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To be honest,an artist takes criticism all the time though most are not too offensive some do hit home,the transmog they created is one good example and is a college of what wow already has in their files,so yes it isn’t original material ,they’ll have to take it regardless.

You haven’t read this thread then:

I don’t think that is the case for WoW. They make expansions 2 or 3 at a time. That means that they start working on assets long before they end up in our hands.

Unsubs tend to occur a couple months after an expansion releases for a number of reasons like if people think it sucks ect ect, if they get a 6 month sub then they already have their money. Also this helps them boost their quarter numbers. It’s a net gain for blizzard, they aren’t just gonna lose profits.

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