Imagine being an artist

That’s not how it works.

Michelangelo got paid to paint the Sistine Chapel. He didn’t do it out of the goodness of his heart.


pffft HAHAHAHAHAHHAA god damn thats a good joke. Hope you are serious that will make even funnier.


Then their job is done. I could be wrong but I don’t think cosmetic sales in the store benefit the artists in any monetary way. Correct me if I’m wrong

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I must say, whoever the team was that did D’azalor deserve praise. I can’t imagine the difficulty to model/texture that.

Jesus, just thinking about those UV maps, makes me cringe.


Maybe with all this free time Blizz could have these folks working on some transmogs that get seeded into old dungeons/zones that are obtainable in game and not through microtransactions in the blizz store.

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Just because your experience has been different than mine doesn’t mean I’m wrong. And even if I was, saying stuff like “gross, stop doing this” every time Blizz releases a new mount or transmog set is rude and uncalled for.

Exactly, they wont get a cent more than they are making now.


Get that unholy word out of here…

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But you are. You are literally incorrect in your assumptions.

Not to mention the fact that you seem to think that an artist being paid by a developer like Blizzard is personally hurt when people don’t like how Blizzard
choses to monetize the product.

People don’t like the artists actual work? That can be hard for amateur artists that aren’t experienced enough to know that nothing you ever do is going to be loved by everyone. Professional artists are more than well aware that art is subjective.

You’re correct. It isn’t a microtransaction. It’s manipulative marketing to buy into subs.

And it’s also a full-on transaction at $20 a piece.


Can you read? That second quote was in response to calling Blizzard a billion dollar corporation.

I don’t know about others,. but I cannot afford to pay 6 months worth of sub at once. I pay by the month because my limited income is paid twice a month and I try to help supplement that by gold making ingame. But I can only do that in relatively small amounts so it takes time for me to build up the gold. And I’m not prepared to buy it because (a) I think its ugly, so that’s totally subjective and (b) I believe that art assets of ANY sort should be made available to all players.

Want to give it to me as a gift for my sub payment? Fine, give it to me for the last 11 years worth of subs I’ve paid for. I sort of think I’ve earned it.


This isn’t a microtransaction.
You get it for paying for 6 months of game time.

Anyway, can’t imagine why they would be adding transmogs to old content like that.

Isn’t the obvious answer finishing more heritage armors?
Seems like they just completely stopped with that. Been what, over a year since we heard anything?


“gross” and “garbage” are not constructive criticism.

I mean, I’m sure they understand people are not mad with the design but the payment model. If anything people are angry because they WANT the design but they have to pay extra for it.


I’m more impressed with Vol’dune. It’s not as regal as the big aztecian kingdom, but the beauty is in the subtlety.

To be able to convey organically how the dunes slope so perfectly is nothing to scoff at.

It’s miles above what they did with Uldum back in cata. Vol’dune has a certain realness to it that I can’t really put into words.

It’s not as “pretty” as some of the other zones but it looks exactly like it should.


This guy gets it.

Almost nobody is complaining about the quality of the artist’s work.

Stop trying to be offended on behalf of people you don’t even know.


I’ll berate you all I want as long as people keep saying stuff like “gross” and “this is garbage”.

I don’t think Blizzard employees care much about what the players have to say. It doesn’t matter what Blizzard does many of the customers will be right there to scream and cry about it. Many of them probably don’t even waste their time on the forum given the way we act.

Cherry picking at best

It’s been widely regarded for years that the art team is carrying the game. Just because you don’t know what’s going on doesn’t mean it isn’t going on.

There is nothing that indicates that this is the case. Fake news.