Imagine being an artist

You think that stuff is just coming out of thin air?

I don’t believe most of us are unaware of the skill involved in creating graphics for WoW and I think you are assuming overmuch.

We aren’t unhappy because of the quality of the work - most of us who are unhappy are that way because of how the item was introduced into the game. As it stands, fewer people will get to see your fellow artist’s work because they will not pay for it. If it was something earned in game through an interesting or challenging piece of content (such as the Mage Tower, which introduced some gorgeous appearances) then far more people would have had access to it.

Don’t berate us for wanting artwork assets to be seen and enjoyed by everyone and not just those who pay for it.


My hope?
Rebuilding silvermoon

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They are being criticized for doing something their employer tells them to do though lol. It’s not like people are saying “hey this looks bad”, it looks good, but people feel like they are being milked for all they are worth by blizzard with buying expansions, paying subs, and now buying cosmetics. The artists hard carry wow recently, you can’t deny that fact, so your post really isn’t fitting here

All in all, I find it funny that people rage over the dumbest :poop:. Internet will be the Internet.


I’m Frostera, infamous for being a sword here. :dagger:

Even though you are right, I’m just speaking in general terms here.

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There were literally transmog helms in the store years ago. This isn’t new.

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No, I know that artists make the sets. I’m saying that you brought them into this situation. The artists can make sets that don’t cost real money. Blizzard doesn’t need this money. We pay enough for the game, or support it with Tokens.


You aren’t really an artist, because artists - at least good ones who have true commitment to their work - create to create, not for validation.

The concept of critique as being insensitive or invalid is awful.


It really, really isn’t.
I’ve been there.

By this logic we should put all transmogs in the Blizz store. How will the multi billion dollar company ever manage to pay artists if not for microtransactions!




Imagine being an “artist” laboring in a cubicle for a wage position.

These people aren’t artists - they’re tradesmen. Real art can stand on it own.

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Lol where you been honey?

Ew. Get out.


It is included in the sub fee, if you’re on the 6 month plan, which actually saves you money vs month to month.

People have the option of buying a wonderfully whimsical transmog set – not gear btw – for those not on the 6 month renewal.


They got paid for making it. Not sure how that’s so hard to understand?

[quote=“Fairslay-grobbulus, post:53, topic:690287”]
Imagine being an “artist” laboring in a cubicle for a wage position.


Artists have to eat, you know.


Yes, it’s called a job.

Whats your point again?


Not every artist works on all of these.

They’re just trying to ignore the fact they tried to claim this transmog set being on the store somehow gets artists more money.

Lmao imagine the world being kind like that