I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Without M+ you just had massive raid logging. Dead game inbetween raid tiers. M+ is what’s keeping PvE afloat.

There are multiple routes per dungeon. Some are more “standard” than others. I always created my own routes with MDT and never had an issue. There would an occasional, “why this way”, but nothing more than that.

I highly doubt this actually happens. I’ve definitely pulled extra things, multiple times, and no one said a peep.

Ah the ole my experience represents the entire tanking experience and “my routes work” in working towards KSM. Two complete falsities on the competitive end. That’s gonna be fun for you next week.

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I didn’t say they never happen. I doubt they are happening frequently enough to be a problem like you are trying to say.

I used my own routes all of Shadowlands. Was running +20 and up all 4 seasons, so try again with the KSM thing.

Would you know anything about the competitive end if you saw it?

Edit: Nice job topping out at KSE last expansion.

YES!!! THANK YOU to the beautiful blue Paladin :3

While I might not agree with it 100%, I see where this sentiment comes from. I would say just don’t worry about it for now. On Dec 13th, M+ will naturally weed out the healers that can’t keep up and you will get the sweaty try hard healers the higher keys you get.

The best thing to understand is that any thread started by Garmuck isn’t about what is in the subject header. It’s about Garmuck’s need for attention.


It will also weed out the good tanks doing the big pulls correctly and the DPS who can do more DPS than the tanks. Will be interesting for sure.

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Yep pretty much this. The only downside is the high io m+ culture is its really stressful to play in at times. If you pull one extra pack by mistake, or miss a kick, you get flamed into the ground :joy:

I’m pretty sure someone got mugged IRL once because they forgot an invis potion to a +20 LOL

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This was largely a result of Shadowland’s Season 1 Prideful. The later seasons weren’t as toxic with extra pulls for the most part.

This happened every once in a while. They use Stat pot for a boss when they know a invis is coming right after. It’s usually an easy death run and healer mass ress.

You’re holdier than thou the problems you’re having aren’t real attitude just makes you look rude, not like you’re driving any kind of point.

I don’t care if you think it’s rude, but people are not losing their heads because 1 extra pack is being pulled.

Just like how you tried to say my routes wouldn’t get me anywhere in my quest for “KSM” while you topped out at KSE?

I really don’t see people get flamed for mistakes that often. People make mistakes. At all levels of play.

Though, the invis potion meta is pretty cringe. I won’t fight you on that.

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You got that right. Ready to get torched in 4 days ?

I use LFG so I can enjoy the content and not go sanic mode. If your LFG you have no say in how anyone else enjoys the content.

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I thought there was no learning in pugs.

scratches head

At least you admit it.

Lol, still cracks me up.

1500 posts on a Garmuck thread is so funny. What an absolute legend.

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Any key you push. I will push higher than you.

Just words. Based on your history, I won’t hold my breath.

Please craft a belt with spark of ingenuity this reset day. Big brain trolladin.