I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

what a joke - your safe space :point_down:

  • Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season 1 – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2000 during Dragonflight Season 1.
    • Reward: Mount: Hailstorm Armoredon

I say this to everyone who wants to run content a certain way: either find a group that wants to complete the content in the same way that you do or run with friends and/or guild members who will.

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Is that really the only thing you can come at me about? Cause I crafted Pants that I can continue to upgrade?

What was the point of you copy pasting the KSM requirements? Was it for yourself cause you never got it before?

Edit: Hope you enjoy the nerfs coming your way.


  • Protection
    • Vanguard no longer reduces damage taken (was 5% damage reduction).
    • Defensive Stance now reduces damage taken by 15% (was 20%).

Mythic 0 is not Mythic+. The rules you’ve laid out are your expectations, not pre-defined rulesets. Dungeon routes are set by the tank. Speed is absolutely decided by both the tank and the healer - if the tank is not comfortably pulling more, they don’t need to. However, if the tank is pulling too much for the healers comfort level, they should speak up, and if the tank fails to listen then they should let the tanks health run out. Your expectations are full of toxicity and demonstrate a lack of desire for working to ensure everyone’s success, and enjoyment, as a team and when a tank is unwilling or unable to work in a team, then they should be replaced - just like people are when they fail to work as a team in the workplace.


I’m tired of tanks not pulling several groups at once. Let’s AOE these things down. Lessgoo

If you are queuing random you have no right to feel entitled on how a run should be. If you feel that way create your own group with other Dbags.


Lmao this is why I don’t pve. Too boring to begin with. Same rewashed mechanics and then there’s the speed runners. Calm down there Ricky Bobby they pay their subs let them play how they want and go back to your bridge.

It goes both ways if they want to go fast.

Here have some for your salty tears :salt:

Why me? I’m not getting nerfed.

Clearly. You are the definition of carried. You will pay for that name change. Watch me take everything from you.


  • Protection
    • Aegis of Light no longer reduces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).

Maybe it was their first mythic?

Yeah, so you’re the type of person that rags on new healers, then complains about there not being healers.

M0 is a regular dungeon. At the beginning of an expansion, even up to M+5 is a “regular” dungeon.

Seems like every thread you make, you’re trying to show everyone how great you are at the game, yet, you never post on this mythical 1337 character. Methinks you’re one of those Andrew Tate guys with just the way you act.

Have you even bothered to look at my run history? I’m not the one who had a singular +15 timed with 2 others who were KSH.

Sure, kick the healer because you can’t spaz the run. Who is this guy?

I can’t believe this topic is still going. I tapped out around post 500 because I was losing brain cells from the warped logic of the OP.

Lol that mentality… I feel bad for those who work with you irl. Zero team work.

I remember you were complaining that you had nothing to do in game in another thread, because you play 5 hours each day.

You play 5 hours a day but you need to speed run dungeons? :thinking:

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1000 percent!

Work hard champ ! you will never be above me. I slay dragons :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

People should generally drop all expectations in pugs. Noobs and experienced players alike.

Play with your friends if you want an experience tailored to your liking.

Grumpy Gus .

I find a lot humorous with what people complain about in a game. But this one “hurry up and Rush playing the game” is both humorous and confusing.

There is an exception I will afford the OP though and this is key “unless the slowness is extreme or based on rudeness…if it takes an hour for a dungeon that is done even at a casual pace in 20 minutes by the majority of groups or if the reason is the slowness is people keep doing the afk emergency stuff every five minutes”…if that applies ok I’ll agree that can be annoying.

But if people are having fun and are consistently playing their proper roles dps healer tank…and you keep moving , even if not at break neck speed…relax it’s a game.

Have fun. If someone plays a game where speed is paramount to everything as you get your lists done “get my 8 done check…get my raiding done check oh make sure I get these crafting quests done this week on my alt and make sure this other character hits cap by x day etc.”

That’s a checklist you are playing not a game.

And you are upset for WASTING time? Buddy you’re wasting time if you realize or acknowledge it or not.