I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

reported trolling


Yes they can to

You and me both

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I honestly think, Blizzard should just make a plain long hallway for each dungeon and every 100’ a boss. No dungeon features, no art work, nothing because it seems that all people care about is go go go.

Healers are such divas. I have a policy where if a healer can’t handle 5 packs, I initiate a vote kick

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I’m gonna say both

Not range :3

been leveling up a healer and nothing is more painful than the tank going 2 mobs at a time. had a few tanks pulling half the dungeon into the boss and it was just infinitely more fun.

Kinda agree with you…what’s even the use in constructing art/set pieces for dungeons if some players blaze through it? It’s nonsense I tell you…I get that you don’t want to be stuck on a trash mob or boss for 7 hours. But at the very least, stop the gogogo attitude…I’m gonna say it…M+ and the introduction of Keys was a huge mistake…ruined the social aspect…AND people treat Norms like there M+ .


Happens all the time. He white knights people for the sole purpose of going against certain players.

Trying to learn tanking routes in NORMAL dungeons is getting people mad… like how am I supposed to learn this stuff? I’m not taking any damage! Hell, I even told the mage he could pull lmao. We did the run but there was SO much huffing that I didn’t ALREADY know the M+ trash skips. Uhhh… ok?

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I will not be baited again Garmuck stop it

Routes… in normal? Hit “M” and go towards the boss.

If you are actually trying to learn routes for M+, then get MDT addon and plan out your routes. You can afk anywhere in the world and take your time to pick which packs you want and when.

Holy shiz this is ridiculous, people are being pushy about M+ routes… in NORMAL, on my invincible Paladin tank. lol

I hate this feeling that dungeons are constructed around the Mythic+ circuit, it just feels bad. It ruins the entire feeling of exploring a dungeon. I saw it coming in beta but with a more pushy community it makes me not want to LEARN the routes. I’m just googling them but it feels sucky. Ah well, I’ll get 'em.

I know I sound like an old head but it’s really discouraging, I miss when dungeons felt… I don’t know–not rushed? Or at least have more than ONE way to go? Why is this…

tbf you’re not gonna learn them anyways in m0 or normals - theres always gonna be a best path for what trash you have to clear to get % and make time

but also blame blizzard for this - Mythic+ ruined the game

There should be two dungeons.

LFG (normal / heroic) : Dungeons as they are.

Group finder M+ : A long grey hallway with scattered mobs, At the end is a boss. Then another hall. Rinse and repeat till last boss.

The speedsters can get in and out and get their loot and be good. Everyone else can play the game.

You know I wasn’t really on board with this for a long time, but I think M+ kind of is destroying the game for people who play super casually but want a great challenge. We can’t hop on occasionally and tank a very specified route.

As someone who plays seriously and to win with the limited time I have, and doesn’t die, getting chewed out for playing tank and pulling ONE pack that isn’t in the speed run getting me ripped on LEARNING in M0 and even N/H… must be why there’s a tank shortage.

It’s not rocket science why there’s less tanks queueing than ever.

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You and people like you are killing the tanking community.

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Remove the timer and stop discouraging trash pulls which are immensely harder than bosses which are just glamorized mana regen pits.