I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

my apologies for making you hungry but talking of sweets is way better than feeding the troll. Nice pick for milk btw, chocolate milk goes well with cookies

I respect that tanks like you exist where you can teach new players but I am far too advanced in my skill set to have time to teach others unless I’m getting paid.

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Level 10 char, pointless rant, more posts then achievement points. Checks out.

My privacy is more important than your validation.

you don’t get to declare yourself the winner of a debate.


it was never a debate, just an echo chamber.

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Especially when he outs himself as a troll over and over

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Everyone else declared me the the winner by being wrong.

Your life is kinda sad


Oh no we weren’t wrong it’s just you’re such a stubborn mule you deem us wrong and are trying to do the most childish thing of saying you won even though you really didn’t. So… here’s what I’m going to do… everything your thread was supposed to be about is now over and this thread is for nothing more than discussing stuff like cookies and sweets. Why because I say so and because it’s much more enjoyable discussing sweets than listening to you spout nonsense and bad mouth people like a spoiled child that needs to be quiet and go sit in the corner or go to bed.

This is what this thread is about now… anyone but the OP have any objections?


you haven’t proven anyone wrong.

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i have an objection i want thread to be about spicy foods. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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That works too

You were never right. You have never been right. You already exposed yourself with all the lies, so why continue? What, you think you’re more important than everyone else so you continue this echo chamber.

who here likes the hot ones last dab hot sauce?

Tell me you’re a bad tank without telling me you’re a bad tank.


Damn, you really changed your tune once you realized you didn’t have as much in common with the guy you defended for the sole purpose of trying to get back at me. :slight_smile:

this goat is dishing out some hot curry ownage.

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If people have to conform to your playstyle, you’re wrong. Go find a guild with elitist/efficient players to play with, there are a ton of Stormrage or Thrall if you’re interested.

I’m literally the highest IO player here, why wouldn’t I be right? I am all of your direct superior, don’t question my wisdom.