I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

People like OP are exactly why I’ve never ventured beyond heroic for dungeon runs.


Look me up in game then.
Normal-Mythic is for having fun.

Mythic + is when we put our serious faces on (if you are in our discord you’ll be like… so his serious face is laughing and joking about everything…)

BTW… I have my serious face on when I am inviting people to hit me up in game for fun dungeon runs.

Damn, this thread really got 1425 replies.

Good if you’re not confident or prepared don’t waste your time in my Mythics.

I wouldn’t waste time with you outside of Mythics, don’t worry.

I don’t play with low IO players regardless so you wouldn’t even have a chance to queue with me, sorry.

I’m crying rn Garmuck doesn’t want to play with me


Consider yourself a blessed individual then. I truly feel sorry for anyone that has to interact with him in game or irl.


Not on that account you aren’t.


I’m at work and it’s a slow morning.

It’s the only reason I’m in this thread…

This clown OP is comical. If he is serious… he must be a joy to have around at social gatherings…
Or… he is doing a great job of parody at the expense of all the numbskulls that
think non-timed content is a race and they have to finish first. Those types of people I wonder how their relationship partner feels about them… speeding to finish.

Oh, he’s definitely trolling.

Still, it’s funny to read all the responses.

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People should feel lucky to be in my presence both IRL/in-game.

tugs off moustache

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I don’t understand this comment?

i have your mustache. your power is gone now and is now mine.

Is this some form of roleplaying?

SILENCE! you will bow before my tanking prowess and authority! I WIELD THE POWER OF THE BEARD NOW!


Excuse me while I :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Don’t talk to me. Talking to you is like killing your brain cells :sweat_smile::joy:

I now declare this thread to be about CURRY :slight_smile:

Spicey food time!

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