I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

He means he tricked some poor sobs into carrying him and once they find out what a tool he is he’ll be kicked to the curb and back here whining.

Someone take the sauce bottle from him.

I’ve made millions of gold carrying others, going off how low some of your IO scores are here i’m willing bet some of you were my customers.

So, as I was doing those two dungeons, the thought occurred to me.

The OP kept saying that “healing is easy” and that tanking “requires the most skill” …

The thing, though, is that even in WoW, bosses are scripted and have a set list of abilities and gimmicks, as do all the trash packs.

If you’re a healer, though, you’re playing with human party members, and what those human party members will do, is entirely random. While healing, you have to watch what your groupmates are doing, you don’t want them to die if you can avoid it, and you don’t know which of the mechanics they’re going to mess up on, what attacks they might get hit by.

You can fight the same boss 10 times, and each of those will be entirely different depending on what mechanics your group gets right and which ones they get hit by. As a healer, you need to be prepared for, well, anything to happen. Keep an eye on what the boss is doing, keep an eye on what your group is doing, and depending on the type of healer you’re playing, have some options prepared ahead of time in your mind depending on what your group is doing.

It’s not as easy as it looks, and the OP is off his rocker if he thinks tanking is harder.

And also, as a healer, a terrible tank will make your job much harder.

As a tank… it’s always the same no matter how many times you do it.

Never paid anyone for anything in game. Don’t project your failings on others. We already uncovered your failed main even if you keep pretending otherwise.

Ok link it.

Why, so you can just deny it regardless if it is true or not?

I want to laugh at your attempts in finding me.

There’s holes in this story of yours…you realize that right? You’re complaining about DF. You ran a pug for a few 0’s. If you had a team you run with, why didn’t you run with them ? Anyone running a “prestigious” group would actually stack classes to get the best mileage out of 0’s to get a head start on launch or at the very least run with their core team to consider speed runs, not randomly dive into pug.

I think the WoW community will be just fine without you gracing your presence in pugs. But hey man, whatever helps you sleep at night. You do you.

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Yeah, he keeps talking like he’s God’s gift to WoW, and that he’s in a guild and his GM would kick him if we went to them and lied about him (lol) and he talks like he’s the most awesome tank around, or at least on the leaderboards.

A guild wouldn’t kick a leaderboard tank who was actually good because of a silly forum argument, lies or no lies.

But you said m0 was how one is supposed to learn all this. Is it youtube/twitch or running the content?

You did specifically say that the normal mythic was “designed specially to help future Mythic players”. When normal mythic pre-dates keystones by at least a year if not more. And that all falls apart because you said in your reply back that youtube and twitch was how one learns the best way to beat the timer version.

tldr version

Mythic 0 came before keys, it wasnt a tool to learn keystone strats it was just a step up from heroic.

“Learning” how to beat timers in no timer content yet at the same time “learning” how to beat timers by watching youtube/twitch makes no sense in any capacity. Probably better off learning timer strats by playing m2, you know the easier setting that has a timer

As a tank I agree that we pick the pace of the dungeon, and your 100% correct in your statement. However I would request that you grow some compassion towards players who want to try mythic 0. I am not saying go at snails pace, but go at 70-80%. For most part that is easy to keep up with

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Because it doesn’t exist.

That would be bc his supposed prestigious m+ guild only accepted him yesterday.

Nice try, I don’t care enough to get a forum vacation for posting info on another player. But we’ve been having a good laugh in discord.

Double chocolate is always a nice one, although chocolate mint cookies are wonderful too

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Oatmeal cookies fresh baked! :yum:

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SNICKERDOODLES :slight_smile: yum :slight_smile:

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For the :cookie::cookie::cookie:

I made this Priest on a new account to get a fresh start, as I am excited about the mouseover click healing without add-ons. I understand it’s Normal and literal faceroll, but I could BARELY get a chance to do anything whatsoever when queing for the first leveling dungeon because it seemed like it was a race to run as fast to the end as possible with mobs as a cursory concern. You can’t stop moving for a SECOND in some runs.

Ok I went buy a chocolate milk and two reese because ya’ll made me hungry. I got have a Black Cherry Rockstar too but I don’t know if I’ll drink it tonight.