I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

It is cretin. Dragonflight is new.

Given how everything melts, I doubt it. You’re nothing but a full.

Speak for yourself, garbage.

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The sheer amount of narcissistic lunacy you’ve shown in this thread is… kind of impressive, honestly.

X to doubt, cretin. You wouldn’t have issue running Mythic with them if this was the case. Yet you’re doing a steeping milky maternal crisis on forums. People like you need to be banned and removed. Along those who cry for the most stupid things.

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Idc if it’s 1 day old, don’t join MY Mythics if you’re not prepared.

Get off this game kid, you’re garbage.

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Ughhhh this popped up again.

I don’t think I will, i’ll keep running Mythics & keep posting enjoying people like you sobbing after my every post.

I got mod protection too from all the false reports, sue me kid. I ain’t goin anywhere, I run this place just like I run my Mythic groups.

Heaven. :yum:


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So you’re in a prestigious M+ guild and yet you still have to use LFG? That’s pretty pathetic and defeats the purpose of the guild no?

Also, your way of thinking is ignorant. While I understand your time is valuable to you, you should consider creating your own groups with the playstyle that accommodates your needs instead of joining random pugs and expecting the world to revolve around you. It really makes you look like the one at fault here, especially when you come to whine about it on here.

From one tank to another, just stop and fix that perspective of yours if you want to improve your experience.

Why should I fix my perspective when my perspective is already fixed? Others should change their perspective around mine as I own the party, and I play the tank which means I control the flow of the group.

OMG now I need popcorn, the hilarity factor is ramping back up now that the OP has finished their dinner & is getting ready for bed time :slight_smile:

The narcissism knows no bounds!


Whew, I’m back. What’d I miss? lol

Right? Let’s go 7/11 and grab a slurpee and spike it with rum. This op is a tool and angry rat.


Nothing, just the OP finished dinner & got Mommy’s permission to go back on the computer before bed time.

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What he really means by that is he lies to “his” group about how awesome he thinks he is, just like he’s lying to the forums about the same thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

HOw can i ignore this guy, so i dont ever read his uneducated posts ?

But it’s not, if if you were, you wouldn’t be running into that problem. Descriptions are a thing my guy. You also didn’t address my other points but judging your attitude, it’s probably why nobody wants to help you out in your guild Mr. Prestigious :wink:

Ahh. I see.

Ran a couple dungeons, had fun, but starting to get tired so I logged off and decided to check back up on this thread lol.

Wonder who the 1 viewer was…

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Don’t ignore the truth, witness it and better yourself from it. I am a mentor in that regard.

I have a group of players in my M+ groups who I now own and run M+ with as their leader as my IO is very high, and I will not be pugging anymore meaning the pug scene lost a dynamite of a tank.

I refuse to play with people who are underperforming or low IO. I don’t have time to hold hands and teach people easy content, sorry.