I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Yea the OP just need to go eat their dinner real quick before Mommy started yelling. It will be bed-time in Cali soon & things will go quiet until tomorrow :wink:

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Oh we know, just ignoring him now as discussing cheesecake is more enjoyable than his salt.

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I made a maple-apple-cinnamon cheesecake once, it was … interesting. I mean, it was good, but I wish I’d made a half-size pan instead, as just a very small piece went a REALLY long way :wink:

My sister keeps talking of wanting to try a pumpkin spice cheesecake but idk, I may have to try that with her. Never actually tried pumpkin myself though. Is it any good? I’ve been more prone to stuff like berries and stuff of late. Maple-apple cinnamon sounds interesting, may need to see if I can find some on my end

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I’m not really a pumpkin person, but I’d try pumpkin cheesecake at least once :slight_smile:

I always figured I’ve carved one too many pumpkins in my life that I never could get behind the idea of eating them. So I can’t even place what kind of flavor pumpkin has. I mean I might try some once as well but I’d be more interested in a nice raspberry and chocolate one honestly

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Nah I don’t care, I don’t get paid to educate the uneducated. It’s a Mythic, if you’re not prepared then you can leave.

your playing an MMORPG demanding everyone to cater to YOUR wants and YOUR needs. I dont know man, sounds like your setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

We kicked that healer, found a replacement and speed ran through multiple Mythics right after. I’d say we’re experiencing the opposite of failure and disappointment.

Hint: despite the appearance, the OP is actually a troll.



Yet you have come to the forums to complain about your non failures and disappointment all the while posting on a lvl 10 Dwarf Shaman? Just seems like you are looking just to troll. But to each there own.

Yeah Gathered that abit to late… sorry my forum skills are quite low… just updating some drivers before going back in to play lol… take care =)

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Why would I expose my main? I am part of a highly prestigious M+ guild, last thing I want is the randoms on the forums who I beat in arguments making up lies about me to get me kicked.

My privacy is more important than your validation.

OK I think we discussed cheesecake & pie adequately so this thread is now about cookies.

Mmmm cookies. I love cookies while I’m playing, especially when I don’t have to worry about trolls!

Omg that sounds delicious!

I made one of those with a rum sauce over top chef’s kiss

White chocolate and raspberry pls!

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MMmmm white choco raspberry :slight_smile: YOU BETCHA!

I burned up all my hearts so :green_heart:

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Oh yeah learning new content is not given in 5 min to most people. Not going to take advice from a garbage dollar tree anon alt account.


It’s not new content, if you enter Mythics you should know the layouts and the fights. Sorry, but trash will be dumped and replaced.

Don’t engage the troll. Talk cookies with us instead.