I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Foxy, no point now. He has been exposed, and he did it himself.

That’s like, seeing Trump going to Walmart lol.

I hate Costco. I dunno what it is like in America, but here in Australia, you have to be a member of the store to pay using a bank card.

you seem like the kind of wannabe elitist that should be ONLY grouping with your guildies, and not force your toxicity on the rest of a PUG group.

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I wouldn’t know, I don’t shop at Costco. I don’t even know if we HAVE any Costcos near me.

Haha he’d fit right in to those ppl of Walmart meme videos


I love CostCo, but that’s me.

Same here in the states, it’s a paid membership to shop there.

Woah, so you got to be a member to shop at the store there? Geez, I think I’ll stick with my local supermarket or K-Mart.

Awe Kmart, I miss those. All ours shut down. I like to shop local.

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Come to Aussieland. They are very popular here.

I’d love to visit! It’s one of the countries on my bucket list.

Don’t forget the scorpion/spider venom antidotes lol

(I’m just kidding, well half-joking)

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I just had to Google. Turns out, KMart in Aus and KMarts that used to be in America are completely unrelated to each other.

We have those in the southwest desert area … But something tells me the ones down under are quite a bit more terrifying.

Sad. Maybe they are similar enough to be nostalgic :grin:

Take your toxic elitist attitude out of this game and community. People like you are the problem. Maybe instead of having this attitude, help those that may be new to it so they get better instead of acting like an elitist… well I won’t finish that but you get where I’m going with this.

Also, what’s wrong… too chicken to post on your main so you use a level 10? ROFL


He said that we’d lie to his GM and he’d get kicked out of his guild, lol.

I like to know how we can lie when the evidence is in this thread and is clear as day.

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Adapt with your pug.

If you’re a tank and notice your team having a hard time catching up with you, go slower.

If you notice your team waiting on you during ‘downtimes’, try to speed up.