I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Nah I said I wouldn’t show it because you people are vindictive and messy and since I won every argument here you would easily lie about me to get me removed.

And you know that how? Hmm, tell us all how you know you are :nauseated_face: wealthier :nauseated_face: than everyone else here?

The bubble of delusion grows bigger

I’d scroll up and C&P the numerous posts where you said your GM would kick you, but I really don’t have the energy this late at night.

Someone else can do it.

Healers have to worry about 5 members in a party, including themselves. Healers don’t have a resource regen like Tanks or DPS specs, and the bigger the heals, the more mana they have to use. That is not lack of preperation, lack of knowledge and lack of confidence. That is you being an absolute jerk.

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Clearly OP is a troll. A useless, immature, overcompensating troll. Move on.


Op should shut up unless they want to post on their main. Coward


Healing is NOT hard, stop talking like this role can’t be accomplished by a literal bot.

you didn’t defeat anyone in a darn thing, we’re all just sitting here thinking you’re quite a toxic fool who’s not worth our time. Till you’ve played a healer you don’t know a darn thing about what they gotta deal with. You’re just some troll spewing out toxic garbage and attacking people who call you out on it. The council members are right in saying what they have.

I don’t play low skill roles, sorry.

How do you know, you haven’t play a healer. You even admitted that in this thread.


You did? How so? From the responses that are here, methinks not so much.

I don’t have to play one to know they’re easy to play.

If it’s not a tank, it’s not difficult to play.

Man, I need a bigger bowl.

…of popcorn.


yet you’re commenting on a shaman… what a joke you are. We don’t need to know your guild to know they’ll get sick of you on their own and throw you to the curb

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At this point a swimming pool wouldn’t be big enough

You think anything is easy to play, until you play it. Each class, each role, all have responcibilites. But healers have it hardest, because they have more to focus on than a tank.

Play a healer before making yourself look more stupid.

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My guild respects me because I am a high IO player and a strong leader figure.

Lmao what a joke.

I agree, you are a joke. Why, because you just admitted you lied about everything in this thread.


The OP claims we could easily lie to their GM & get them kicked, but doesn’t explain why their GM would take the words of strangers over that of an awesome-sauce, uber-skilled, always-truthful person like themselves.

Pure comedy gold-pressed latinum.


The only joke here is you. Everyone is getting a grand laugh outta your nonsense.