I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Why would they line up when they can get into any other group if you’re full? :thinking:

I own the party as the tank and leader, I’ll replace everyone else before they even get a chance to think about replacing me.

I am the most important person here.

Idk what that is.

I hate people who always want t speed run. No matter how fast that I pull, it’s types like this that want faster. How about you make a premade group with those desires list in it?

Methinks the post that you could make could be like this: Tank group needs all. Know fights, bring your own pots, don’t complain, don’t waste my time.

Because he’s the most awesome, amazing tank to ever grace the game with their presence. God’s bow down before his glor…:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: Sorry, can’t do it

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Of course not. It’s a singleplayer game and there’s no epeen to be had there.

EDIT: It also is a story rich game, and I don’t think you’re the kinda guy who would have the attention span to actually enjoy story.

Dude, stop, please, I’m going to break a rib from laughing so hard!

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Then don’t join my Mythics and stick to Normals.

Yeah I don’t play single players, I’m not a child.

Ok, you heard it here, all singleplayer games are made for children.




I mean it’s the truth, can’t be disputed.

You’re not convincing anyone

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He’s basically that kid who grabs a toy or two out of the box at recess, goes over to his little corner and goes “I ONLY WANT THE COOLEST KIDS HERE!” and the other kids simply roll their eyes and play with each other and he sits in his own little corner alone.


Or, since mythics are only run by premade groups, how about I don’t accept you into my group ? That solves this issue, just saying. FYI, I only play Vengeance, which means that I am a tank.

Everyone has every right to remove anyone from the group if underperforming. But what you did was not right. Kicking someone because they asked you to slow down. That is not kicking someone for underperforming, that is kicking someone out of spite.

Then plus to hide on a alt and now show your main, and claim all this nonsense, you know when you’re outnumbered when the community turns against you. Trust me, it happened to me in WoD when I gloated about camping someone in PVP and being a jerk to others. It is what you’re doing right now, being a jerk to other members and gloating about being a top mythic+ dungeoneer and removing people out of a dungeon for no real reason. And the community is against you.


How can a lvl 10 run mythics? Methinks there’s some hax involved, just saying. Perhaps you’re just too cowardly to show who you really are as well.

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Y’all call me a child but I’m wealthier and more successful than most of you here both in game and IRL.

You should be grateful to even be in my presence and that I’m responding to you.

Asking me to slow down is lack of preparation, lack of knowledge and lack of confidence which is all signs of underperformance which means removal.

You don’t get to tell me who I can or can’t kick.

The OP is such a towering example of awesome skill that they’re actually THREE players & thus can totes vote-kick all by themselves!!!

You guys, seriously, I’d be playing WoW right now but the OP is just too gosh-darn comical :wink:

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Oh he definitely is. If he shows his main it’ll burst that bubble of delusion he’s living in.

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He said earlier that his GM would kick him if he showed his real character.

Which is hilarious because it proves all of us right.


He says he’s not showing his main because he’s afraid we will message his guild and tell false things about him, but if he’s as good as he says he is and “they line up to group with me” then, why would your guild, who loves you so much, believe some people messaging your guild about you?

I call BS.