I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

I’m kinda 50/50.

I wanna say he has no guild, but the fact he’s scared of getting kicked tells me that maybe he does have a guild and one of their rules IS to be friendly and respectful in PUGs and on the forums and he knows that he will get kicked if they knew he was doing this crap.

Maybe he has some mediocre guild and maybe he’s done a couple zeros and that gave him a god complex.

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Too bad there’s no consequences for telling the truth, all my posts have been restored. The mods protect me and the truth from toxic trolls like you.

You also have no proof LOL

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The OP is worried that people will stalk them on their own server, because they’re such an awesome player they don’t know how to put someone on ignore & go on with their day.


More like…

They know that if people who knew his real character is, nobody would group with someone who acts like that, and he’d get insta-kicked, or people would just simply abandon his groups, or he’d never get a PF invite ever again.


Oh please, as if any of you have the IO to queue with me.

Lol, nobody wants to stalk this guy, we want to put him on ignore and permaban him from ever having a chance to ruin our play time with his toxicity.

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But that can’t be, the OP is such an awesome pillar of awesomeness that everyone on their server lines up to play with them & they win every argument & their tail-pipe gas smells like roses!!!



There is nothing truthful about what you have posted, let alone, what you have done.

You read the World of Warcraft Social Contract, did you? Especially the part of being friendly towards other users. Because kicking out someone for no reason is not being friendly towards other users, along with telling others to stay out of Mythic Dungeons, when every single bit of content is designed for everyone.

You seem to be forgetting one thing Garmuck, World of Warcraft is designed to be casually friendly. It isn’t designed to be only for the Hardcore. You want Hardcore, go play Everquest.

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Oh wait guys. I found him. He has never gotten KSM, has multiple failed 10s and a few timed 15’s that look like hard carries that he probably paid for. Wrap it up. I wont post it because I’m afraid he might cry.

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You’re right, I don’t have any IO.

Because I don’t care about Mythic, I have an actual job, and things to do outside of the game.

But even if I did have the IO to queue with you… how do you queue for M+, btw? Last I checked you can’t, did they change that?

… even if it were possible to queue for M+, I wouldn’t queue with you even if you were in a guild like Method or Limit.

I’d choose having fun over playing with some of the most miserable people I’ve ever seen.

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Nah it doesn’t say anywhere that I can’t kick underperforming players, it’s MY party MY rules.

Your social contract won’t protect you from me.

Haha, that’s great

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Except it is not my social contract, it is Blizzard’s. And Blizzard is the one that really owns the game, including your character/s and your party.


So do I, and I don’t want my valuable time wasted by low IO players. Some of you in this thread would have to pay me 100k/hr to even enter my party.

Where does it say as the party leader I can’t kick underperforming players? There’s no rule saying I have to hold your hands.

The way you keep saying this makes it sound like you’ve been in the same party for a very long time. Having trouble filling/keeping people?

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People line up to play with me, so no.

EQ, not EQ2, right? EQ2 is not an especially hard-core game, but EQ? Um, yea. Nothing like your entire guild get wiped as soon as they enter POF & then spending the rest of their evening trying to recover!! Good times, gooooood times :wink:

With the mentality you have.

Its 4 against 1. You will be replaced.

Have you ever played OMORI, btw?

I bet you have a Headspace just like Sunny did.