I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Man, I’ve always wondered how to talk in Tiny PP… Thanks for giving us that linguistic experience…

Either way

“Sure Jan”

I wish I could give you a million likes for this. This is more truthful than anything I have ever posted, let alone, seen in the thread.

Wrong, I am highly respected in my field of work.

Don’t project your insecurity onto me.

Don’t be silly, I have way more to lose than you. You’re not even close to my IO nor have the level of clout I do.

First of all telling the truth isn’t being a jerk and I have done nothing wrong.

The forums are filled with random people, someone as high profile as myself has more to lose than anyone else here.

By M0 I expect fast runs because by this point we’ve seen the dungeons enough times. Now normal first week of an expansion? No. I want to slow down and actually take everything in the first time through. Some of these tanks learned the dungeons inside and out in BETA and expect everyone else to have done the same.

I’m replying to the thread, not the OP, because the OP is a lying little troll.

So I declare that this thread is now about which is better, cake or pie. & if you choose cake, you’re a LOSER. Level up your dessert game!!!



Boy your so full of yourself aren’t cha?

I didn’t bother to read all those posts.

You don’t have an IO. Quit lying Garmuck. And you’re right, I have nothing to lose. You know why, because my guild is a guild that does M+, they have seen this thread, and think you’re an immature manchild.

Someone further up, yesterday I believe, said they were able to track down his main through outside websites and supposedly this schmuck has never once set foot in mythics on any character. But this is the forums so :person_shrugging:


You only have something to lose, if you did something wrong.

You’re afraid.

You say “I’ll get kicked” because you know you’ll get kicked.

But why would you get kicked if you were only “telling the truth”?

Especially if you’re such a valuable asset to your guild?

And why do you have so much to lose? If you were so awesome, then there’d be guilds just waiting to pounce on you and scoop you up like some MVP that is suddenly a free agent.

Maybe it’s because your guild carries you and you need them more than they need you?


Never trust the forums. Garmuck is proof of that.


Wouldn’t doubt it tbh. No one that I know that runs keys acts this way towards M0s. Like he’s genuinely proud that he rushes M0s and kicks people that aren’t up to his pace… in a ZERO.

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Exactly this, idk what people don’t get about that.

Lmao your guild is def a couple tiers below mine.

Nah I just value my privacy.

I refuse to let toxic trolls like you and the others get more info about me, I am a truth speaker and in this world they try to silence me.

I will ALWAYS support the truth and freedom of speech.

To be honest, I don’t think he is in a guild at all, let alone does any content in game at all. Because all the top guilds wouldn’t be pugging in general, and if they do, they would be encouraging there guild members to be friendly and respectful to other users in the World of Warcraft community.


Sorry, I didn’t know Club Penguin had any guilds.

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Go ahead and link my profile, you have no proof.

… says the guy asking me to divulge personal details about my RL.

You can speak all you want, once you show us proof that what you’re saying is legit.

Right, and that’s why you quickly try to shut everybody down that disagrees with you and attempt to assert that your opinions are the only ones that matter.


That doesn’t mean what you think it means

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Asking how much you make isn’t divulging anything lmao

Quite frankly idc who you are or where you work at, I was trying to find out why someone like you struggled to complete easy content because I work more than you and make more and can do everything fairly quickly.

I never shut anyone down once.

Did you even read what I wrote? I said someone else. Besides you don’t have any proof either so…

Freedom of Speech does not excuse you from the concequences for your own actions. Try again.