I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

And if you truly worked a job like this, you’d know that you have a manager above you, and people who act like this, with this mindset don’t last long in Management.

I’m a manager myself, and I can tell you that any manager talking like this would get fired fast where I work.

EDIT: And even if you’re the boss, owner or CEO… you would know that you can’t treat people like that, especially nowadays when it’s hard to find hires, because it could easily mean the death of your company because you’d have people quitting.

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You’d be wrong, in my field I run the whole facility. Management above me gives me full control, similar to the control I have as a tank in parties.

AHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You are amazingly clueless. Without everyone else you are useless.

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And again, if you really worked a job like that, Management above you wouldn’t be too appreciative of you tanking employee morale (which is absolutely what happens when a manager acts like that). If you truly had a job like that, you would know that you were given that position as a matter of trust, and only through good leadership something you obviously don’t have with the way you talk about those you perceive to be your underlings.

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How about this, lets make a deal. I’ll apologize to you for calling you a lying toxic troll, if you can do these 3 things:

  1. Post your main or post from your main.
  2. Show me where it says Mythic Dungeons are not for Casuals.
  3. Show me where in the Social Contract, the EULA, the ToS or the forum code of conduct what you did is encourage.

Until you can do all 3, no apology.

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So your a bad tank, got it


He wont because he’s a coward. If he thinks Mythic Dungeons are not for casuals he probably runs keys at around the +5 level at the most.


Wrong, as long as you put warm bodies in the group I will be fine. Tanks are not easily replaceable.

My employee morale is fine, insulting your boss is unprofessional and upper management will always side with me as I am loyal and worth a lot to the company.

Maybe at your work you let your employees insult you, but not at my work.

I don’t need your apology, I beat you in an argument multiple times that’s satisfying enough.

I’m on M+ leaderboards for tank, I am one of the best to do it on my server.

Yet you post on a L10 shaman, talking garbage…

Your pace is set based on the group your in… Period, No single person controls the pace of a group activity…

Stop huffing paint, because you can be on a leader board and also be carried by the rest of the group covering for your constant screw ups


Employees wouldn’t be insulting you, if you had good leadership and charisma.

But if you have to fire anybody who has anything at all to say about you, then you obviously don’t have leadership and charisma.

Where I work, only one employee has ever had any issues with me, and it was very much on him. Employees under me don’t insult me. On the contrary, they like me. But then I’m not an overbearing jerk who talks like you do.


Prove it. Until then you’re just a bunch of hot air.


Oh you’re definitely being insulted at your job. And only an insecure little troll would fire someone over getting their ego bruised.

Hahahahaha :joy::joy: OMG. Yup I’m so super salty over a nameless, faceless internet troll living in a land of delusions.

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I don’t think he even plays the games at all.

Then you are a lying toxic troll.
Lying: Because you say all this stuff without actually proving any of it
Toxic: because you chose to be toxic within the community, which is not encouraged in game
Troll: because you’re trolling the forums.

“I beat you in an argument multiple times” means you got nothing to counter. Nice try, wanna go for round 3?


At this point it’s just fun. We are watching the troll consume so much he’s turning into Veruca Salt.


Oh yeah, if he actually did have a job like he describes, there are probably constant emails and text messages about what a buttwipe their manager is.

He’s probably the butt of thousands of memes and jokes and they’re constantly making fun of him, even if they only do it in secret.

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Wrong I set the pace as the party leader and tank, no one has more authority than me in the party.

Good thing they don’t insult me then.

After how toxic all of you have been to me? No shot. I beat so many of you in an argument, you’ll go and tell my GM things about me to get me kicked.

That you know of.

Trust me, if you are a manager with that attitude, they do make fun of you. A lot.

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And you’re still a Lying Toxic Troll. Here, want me to get kicked out of my guild, message the GM of “Its All Gravy” on Frostmourne, the guild my main is in, and tell them Aryshio is calling you a lying toxic troll on the forums. See what happens.

But yet…

If all of what you’re saying is truth, and if you really were that high on the leaderboards, your GM wouldn’t kick you because you’d be too important to the guild and you did nothing wrong, and you said nothing wrong therefore your GM would have no reason to kick you at all.

BUT you admitted it yourself…

You’d get kicked.

Because you KNOW you’ve been a jerk on the forums, and you KNOW what you’re doing is wrong, and you KNOW that you are not as good as you let on.

If you were near the top of the M+ leaderboards, then you’d be too important to kick over some silly argument on the forums.


Classic excuse. You’re bad at the game and lie, pretending like you’re good. You can’t prove how good you say you are. If you actually posted on your main you know you’d be immediately humiliated. You probably couldn’t even get KSM.