I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

I liked your first example better.

Wait, you say “floozy” like it’s something bad!


Because the 2nd one is more accurate and points out how ridiculous what you said is.

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I mean I guess but all I know is that I’ve won every single argument in this thread.

So now you’re basically the little kid who sticks his fingers in his ears and going “LALALALALALALA I’M RIGHT YOU LOSE LALALALALALALA”

If that’s what you call “winning” then by all means.

Meanwhile, everybody else is laughing our butts off at you.


I pay a monthly fee for this, i play how i want

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Why would I care about opinions of people who I beat in an argument?

I also pay a monthly fee, if you’re underperforming you’ll get replaced.

Lmao whatever

You know dude, this would have been a perfect system for you and your buddies:

Oh you mean that nonexistent IO score? You won’t prove it so it doesn’t exist.

I’ve been harassed too much to reveal my main, maybe if people weren’t so toxic I’d feel comfortable.

Dude, if you call that harassment, then you can’t possibly have any kind of RL job where there’s any sort of pressure.

Someone might say something mean to you and you’ll go running home bawling your eyeballs out.

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xD ROTFLMAO!!! Oh wow look…yet another tank with a god complex. Feel free to get lost. You’re the embodiment of absolutely everything wrong with the attitude surrounding World of Warcraft in the Dragonflight expansion. The entitled tank complex…zzzzzzzzzz.

Get the hell out of here. You have an amazingly undeserved, unearned and overinflated ego. Typical alliance scumbag.

I heal and tank and dps. You’d better hope you never end up in one of my groups. You’d be kicked so fast the only thing that’d beat you to the crapcan are the words “bye Felicia.”

Literally every one of your statements screams little man syndrome that never amounted to anything and still inhabits mommy’s basement.

Here’s the dirty little secret Scooter…if you were worth anything as a tank it wouldn’t matter how much you pull. You’d be using your damage reduction abilities in concert with the healer. You’d also be a student of every healing class with their strengths, weaknesses and casting times. You’d also be a student of the ranged and melee dps general abilities so you’d have somewhat idea of how fast you can realistically run.

Oh what am I saying…you’re billybadass. You don’t need healers or dps, you can run any level mythic all by yourself. You’d never have addons like omnicooldown so you can keep tabs on what your group has left in the tank and where their cooldowns are at. You don’t need anything like that and as a result you will never be a tank that amounts to anything. Tank, hell, you’ll never amount to anything with any class with that attitude.

Do yourself a favor and cancel your sub. You’d be better off at your job dealing with the other little pieces of **** that come down the sewer.


Hey now, let’s not get racist here.

I liked the rest of your post, but I have to call you out on this.

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t have spent over a day in here boasting about how amazing you think you are seeking validation. Only thing you’ve won is being a troll capable of getting over 1k posts on a irrelevant game forum.


It’s funny that you think people can learn new things as fast as you. The expansion is only a week old and already you are acting like a elitist jerk.

Not everyone is as parse or as fast to gearing or learning. If you have such have high expectations, I suggest you learn to put a description in your LFG or find a like minded group to find people who meet your needs instead of being a jerk.


OP posted on an alt. No need to take him seriously, guys.


My bad, sorry was in the heat of the moment. My apologies to all the decent Alliance players out there.


I manage others at my work, if I get insulted they won’t have a job similar to in game parties where I’m always the leader.

See how salty you sound since I won an argument?

It’s a mythic, all of this should be a given. I shouldn’t have to say anything.

Tank is the only role that matters in the group, I am always the leader. I control the party, who stays and who doesn’t, how fast we go and the routes we take. No one tells me anything, as the tank I have direct authority over others.

Seems everyone here does not know the meaning “Don’t Feed The Troll!”
It shows. :rofl:

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