I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Ofc you’re not sorry, you’re just a toxic person.

It’s the same thing, they cater to a Mythic audience which is objectively more hardcore not casual.

And those will get restored, I did nothing wrong. I am innocent man and I am being attacked.

How much do you make?

Why would I disclose personal details about my personal RL to someone who won’t disclose their main character in an MMO?

Pretty sure that’s against the ToS anyhow – disclosing RL details about oneself on forums.


Yeah and people wonder why this game struggles to find new players when they’re being rushed through content at breakneck pace by jaded vets.


No one is going to stalk you. You have no credibility posting on a lvl 10 character. Be gone, troll!

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And this is the same guy who just asked me for private details about my private RL.

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It’s shocking that my LFG experience has been the opposite. People pulling for me even though I’m relatively fast. It barely happened before, but last week’s groups seemed like they wanted to practice for the MDI.

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Already been said once but saying it again just seems justified… You’re pretty much the prime example of what is wrong with this community. None of this actually effects me as I don’t have the time to invest in being a Mythic player but your attitude is just toxic AF. You do you I guess. (I bet you’re a blast at parties… eyeroll)


So I’m right then. I work as a manager of a water treatment plant in SoCal and own multiple high end vehicles including a Tesla along with a family to boot.

Idk if you have the same IRL work load I do, but I am very busy and can still accomplish a lot in this game because it is easy and not difficult.

Then get out of my Mythics, it’s for people who want to play the game fast.

Don’t bother. He’s a self obsessed troll. First he says if ppl want to learn or go slow they should stay in normal/heroic and then he says if they want to learn they should go outside game and do homework. He’s so convinced of his own delusional superiority that you’ll never get anywhere engaging with him.

Wish he would post on his main so I could permablock him but his narcissistic paranoia has him convinced ppl will stalk him.


Dude, you won’t even post your main character here, why would I believe you on what you do for a living RL?

I could say that I am on the Executive Board at Google, but that doesn’t mean I’m telling the truth.


Says the one who rather be toxic to the community.


Normal Mythic Dungeons are not designed to only cater for the hardcore, they are designed for everyone.

Calling people weirdos and sandbags… Yeah, I highly doubt those would get restored.


I don’t have to convince myself to anything, my RaiderIO score speaks volumes.

Well that’s just not the truth lol, I can tell because you can’t even complete basic DF content at a reasonable pace. I’m p sure the execute board at google can handle chain pulling.

Then post on your main, or you are a lying toxic troll.



I’m not even sure I have words for how ridiculous this is.

If anything this community owes ME an apology for wasting my time and being toxic despite me only speaking the truth.

Oh, and…

I never said I couldn’t chain pull, I said that I didn’t like it which are two completely different things.

I stated that I wanted to learn how to heal, because, well, I’ve never played a healer before.


But I could go as a DPS or even a tank, if I wanted to (and I don’t).

Are they two different things though? I find it hard to believe someone whose capable of chain pulling wouldn’t like it, it’s probably the best part of dungeons.

“I like it, therefore anybody else who doesn’t like it is lying.”

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I mean… yeah? Don’t see an alternative.

Let’s try that again.

“I like my coffee mixed with ketchup, and if you say you like coffee but don’t like putting ketchup in it, then you’re lying and you don’t like coffee at all.”

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